Thursday, December 28, 2006


So, the prenatal visit didn't go quite as well as I had hoped. Apparently Spectrum still wasn't aware as to why my case was transfered over to them, and the doctor who promised me last week an induction no later than 41 weeks went on vacation with out setting up an appointment for me. Baby still isn't looking like he's ready to come out yet, and they had to squeeze an induction in for me last minute (Thanks doctor Austin) - but they didnt have room until Thursday January 4th at 7:30pm. That is a whole week from now! And about a week and 1/2 past my due date. I know it sounds ridiculous to those of you who haven't been/aren't pregnant, but I am not sure that I can take another whole week of this! Thank God this process ends with meeting Ethan, because just about anything else wouldn't be worth it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Beatutiful Boy

So, Christmas has come and gone, and baby is still not here. I'm really hoping that he decides to come out soon. Karl and I got a printer/scanner/copier for Christmas (among a lot of other things)... and to try it out I scanned a picture of Ethan's latest ultra sound. So since I don't have the pleasure of sharing with you a picture of my newborn yet. Here is a picture of our bub from in the belly.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

We are a mere few days away from our due date, and still waiting patiently. I'll be one of the 4% that actually delivers on their due date, and will be in the hospital on Christmas - you watch!!! But, what ever. I think we're both to the point where we are just so excited to meet Ethan, Christmas or no Christmas - it doesn't matter. I have an appointment at Spectrum tomorrow, I am still a little upset that they switched me so late in the game, but I am excited to meet some of the nurses and doctors that are potentially going to be taking care of me. I am also excited to find out what to expect now that we're going to be delivering at Spectrum instead of Metro....

Monday, December 18, 2006

Braxton Hicks...

After my non-stress test today, my nurse thinks that I might be in early labor... could the day possibly be here?!?! Gosh, wouldn't that be amazing! The secretary who apparently is very good at predicting when babies will actually be born says that I will have Ethan this weekend. So, she did her "Baby Dance" and rubbed my belly while she sang to him. Apparently this ensures that baby Ethan will be here soon. So I've been instructed to walk around the mall for a few hours, and a handful of other wives tails, to get labor going if this is finally the real thing.... We'll see! I have to admit it would be perfect timing, because my parents are already planning on visiting tomorrow.


UPDATE: So, the three days of false labor hasn't been totally worthless. I am 2cm, 50%, and -3 all via false labor. Which is better than nothing I suppose. But, it's starting to get both physically and emotionally exhausting. And in other baby related news, Metro has decided that my case has become too high-risk for them, and I am now a patient of Spectrum Health. I am not sure how I feel about this, especially since it's so last minute. But, there is literally nothing I can do about it. So, hopefully soon we'll be off to big scary Spectrum to deliver.

Thursday, December 7, 2006


So, Karl and I had our ultrasound today (it was rescheduled from Monday), and unfortunately we're not going to be induced. But, fortunately the high fluid levels and calcifications on the placenta they were worried about haven't gotten any worse, and the baby is doing great, so I suppose it's a good thing too. I am just SOOOOO ready to get this baby out!

As far as Ethan goes, he's already 8LBS 2OZ, and they're estimating he'll be about 9 1/2-10lbs at birth if we go full term (because he's growing so quickly). We're measuring at 39wks 2days according to this ultrasound (keep in mind they do not change your due date), which is 2 weeks ahead per usual. The nurses tell me it looks like it will be any day now, but the doctors are more reluctant to talk about it. All they will tell me is that I am effacing and the baby's head is pressing firmly against my cervix causing me to have "uterine irritations" (sorry to those of you who this is TMI - it saves me from having to tell 20 people the same thing). The ultrasound also shows that he has a relatively thick layer of fat around his belly and head; the ultra-sound tech even called him "pudgy" be on the look out for a fat chunk-of-love soon.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Getting big!

Okay, so as if anything else could possibly go wrong! I have been diagnosed with PUPPP (and a pretty bad case of it too). It's this horribly itchy rash that will not go away until after the baby is born, and is quite possibly going to send me to the mad house. I don't think I can even explain to you the severity of my itchiness...

Also, I have been in false labor a half a dozen times - including right now. My contractions have been 1 1/2 minutes apart, but they are not painful, only pressure-ful if that makes sense, so the hospital doesn't want me.

Chances are that they'll go away like every other time. But, boy would I be happy if today was the day!

Sorry about the bed-head, no make up, pjs, and fake smile... But that's as good as it gets these days! 9+ months pregnant

And YES I AM WEARING PANTS! That's the last time that I wear light blue tight PJs in a picture

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Don't tell me that!

Karl and I had Thanksgiving dinner at our house for the first time this year and it was crazy! We had 13 people here, and most of them stayed the night since they're from out of town. What a good time though. Other than that we got to hang out with Collin and Ciara for a while, which was lovely, and I've been having contractions since last night! We'll see what happens there - but I still think it'll be sometime early December. Who knows....

So I started having irregular contractions Friday night and I am still having them - now Sunday night. They get really regular and close together, but there is no pain... and then they slow down again. This is frustrating.


So, it's been five days of constant braxton hicks contractions (i'm talking like any where from 30 minutes apart to 1 1/2 minutes apart for five days!)... and if one more person says "well maybe it'll be the real thing tomorrow", "it'll be here before you know it" or "once he's out you'll want him back in"... I think I'll go crazy. Not joking.

Monday, November 20, 2006

9 months

I am almost 9 months prego already, but I haven't gotten a chance to post my 8 month picture yet. So, this was taken a few weeks ago. But, here you go:

resized 1 with baby resized 4

Believe it or not, I am actually bigger than that now. And I am SOOOO DONE with being pregnant. Or at least I wish I were. I am ready to meet Ethan, and see my legs.

If you are interested in seeing me before I have a child attached to me most of the time, you should call, I'd like that.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Big baby!

So, Karl and I had an ultra sound a couple days ago and this is what we learned. Our child is a MOOSE. Okay not really, but he's huge like a moose. He is already about 5 1/2 pounds!!! He's in the 74th percentile, measuring about 2 1/2 weeks a head. Speaking of heads - his is huge! His head is measuring full term. It scares not only me, but my doctors too. So, they are giving me until December 11th to have the baby on my own, and if we don't have him by then - we are probably going to be induced. Even if we do go in to labor, he is big enough that they've already started talking about a possible C-Section scenario depending on when we go. Another thing to worry about is that my placenta is already showing signs of aging with multiple calcifications on it. what that means is that my body will realize it's time and hopefully we'll have him soon, or it won't. And if it doesn't, all kinds of complications are a possibility - especially if it decides it's done before the baby is born. So, again we'll be screened for that over the next couple of weeks, and if things progressivly look "older", December 11th might be our babys birthday via C-Section. Ohhhhh - it's a waiting game now, and it's killing me! I am soooo anxious.

Oh, and we got to see him sucking/breathing on the ultrasound, it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Not good...

Have you ever seen an 8 month pregnant woman attempt to give an 80+ pound dog a bath in a really small bathtub because he walked through his own crap outside? NO?! Well good, cause it's ridiculous!!!!!!!!!


So I definitely went in to labor right in the middle of giving Ceazer a bath. And no I am not joking. I was having contractions for about an hour before I decided it was time to go to the hospital - and by the time Karl and I got there I was having continuous contractions with no break at all and had dilated to 1cm. They gave me all kinds of shots to stop my labor - and now I'm at home and on bedrest for 3 weeks to try and keep the baby in. FUN STUFF. PS. Contractions suck - they are more painful than you think.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

1 year...

So I honestly can't believe that this weekend is our first anniversary - it feels like just yesterday that we were looking at places for the wedding. And we'll be 8 months on Monday - is that even possible?! It is probably my most over-used phrase, but seriously TIME FLIES.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

30 weeks

So, I am in my 30th week now. Hello 7 months. That is assuming that this next ultra sound says we're back on track - the last said we were 5 weeks ahead. So, I suppose any where between 30 and 35! Crazy how time flies! Baby Ethan really likes to lay on my sciatic nerve this week. So, Sciatica is my new best friend (or enemy really) - I'm sure all of you moms/mom's-to-be know exactly what I'm talking about. It's this super intense pain running from your lower back down through one of your legs. And there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. So it's a lot of laying down on my side for me... So, here is the 7 month belly shot. I feel a lot bigger than I look that's for sure. 10 weeks and 10 plus lbs to go - I'm not sure how I'll do it!

Friday, October 6, 2006

This is Karl.

lots of crazy big changes
bought my first home
its beautiful, we will have a house warming party soon
got a new job
with full benefits
medical and dental
plus a 401k
its pretty dang sweet.
i actually took over my old bosses job.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

My gosh has life been seriously over booked these past weeks!!!

Indiana and Michigan baby showers are done - and they both were fabulous! We got nearly every single "big" item we registered for. Which is totally amazing!

Small groups is well in to the season, and things are going well there. The retreat this past weekend was great. I have to admit much better than I thought it was going to be. We get our curriculum tonight, I think it should be good. Speaking of the retreat... THANK YOU ZACHARY for being such an understanding and gracious dog sitter!

We finalized our loan, closed on our house, and finally moved in this week! Things started off rough since we had to move all in one day (Thanks Justin, Lance, and KP!) and we didn't have any gas for over 5 days. Yah that means no heat, hot water, or cooking. But we now have On Demand digital cable, Internet, and Gas! So we're doing really good. Also, the house is about 1/2 way out of boxes with is totally a plus. House warming party soon. I promise!

Karl got a new job! Thank the Lord!!!!! He is now the head custodian at Millbrook Christian School, making more money and working less hours than when he was photo assisting. Not to mention he is the boss! instead of being bossed around! I'm so proud of him. God is good!

Oh, and I'm 7 months prego now. Gosh TIME FLIES. Seriously. As far as that goes - we've got another ultra sound soon because we measured 5 weeks ahead last time and they're going to verify how far along we are and try and get a more accurate due date. It's a possibility that we might be back to our first due date which is November 20th (I don't know why they changed it in the first place). Which would mean I'm already 8 months pregnant, which it totally crazy! I feel it though - I am huge!!!!!

So, things are all well here - minus being crazy busy. Hope all is well!

Friday, September 15, 2006



Thursday, September 7, 2006


So, our offer has been accepted! The only issue standing in our way right now is that it's very hard to prove your income when you're self-employed. Hopefully the loan/interest rate proves to be satisfactory when we find them out (later this afternoon) - because if they do, we just bought ourselves a house!

In other good news, there was an opening for a salary position at Millbrook school (Karl's former employer) that Karl has applied for. We're totally excited and anxious to find out if he gets it! Monday-Friday 7-5, STEADY good money, paid vacations, and benefits! Woo Hoo!

In other semi-scary/semi-exciting news, D-groups started this week. My co-leader and two girls (as of now) were very nice, and for a first week it wasn't TOO intimidating. I still have ants in my pants about it though. One week at a time...

What a time of change and anticipation these few weeks have been!

Sunday, September 3, 2006

time flies...

So, I was just thinking, I am 6months and 1 week pregnant now. My 3rd trimester (already!) and my 1st baby shower is in less than 2 weeks. Man oh man! Speaking of baby, he is able to kick hard enough for you to actually see my belly bulge out - it's pretty amazing! Man, time flies!

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Man this has been a busy week! Karl and I have cleaned out, and painted the nursery, including painting a few pieces of furniture and putting up the crib. I've had many appointments with that of realtors, pre-natal nurses, and vets. Karl and I might be buying a house soon, and oh how exciting is that. Might being the operative word - being that we haven't quite decided yet. My parents are coming in this weekend, and I'm pretty excited about that! We're going to be looking at houses and going out to eat at "The Bob" - my mom's had some sort of fascination with the place ever since we looked in to it for our wedding last year. Any who, hope your weeks are going well!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Picture fun..

Karl and I had a little fun in the studio today...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sneak Peak 3

So, we had our 3rd ultrasound this morning, and Ethan was quite the little butt. The whole time he was smashing his face in to my uterine lining! We only got one decent profile picture - but we have at least 2 or 3 more yet, so better luck next time. We also got a 3D/4D ultrasound! But again - he wouldn't move. So in his picture he looks like he's pushing his face into a piece of plastic wrap. OH well.. haha. He's measuring huge. Weighing 1lb 2oz, and measuring about 2 weeks ahead his gestational age. What a big boy! We got a video too... Ohhhh how fun!

Friday, August 11, 2006

This is Karl.

ive learned everything i need to know about parenting from hulk hogen.
i should be fine.

Monday, August 7, 2006


That’s how I feel anyway, but it’s a good huge! Believe it or not the sore feet and a slight waddle is already here, and we’re just over half way done till our bubby’s here.
Here is the fat chunk-a-love almost 5 months (a few days away):

Karl and I had an eventful week, we had a family reunion, spent a LOVELY day with Collin and Ciara, our puppies got sick (they’re better now), we lost a cat (damn water heater guys), got a new kitten (shut up!), been to the shelters a few times looking for Isabelle, and are slowly getting things crossed off our “to do” list as Karl has been home from work a few days now. This weekend, hopefully we’ll get to see Ashelia and the baby again soon as we have our 3rd ultrasound in about 10 days.
The reunion: (My new "immediate" family anyway)

And here's the new pup:

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Baby Boy!

It’s a BOY!
And a healthy baby boy too! He’s a big one at a ½ pound and 8 ½ inches. His name is Ethan Joseph Edward Malefyt.
What a mouthful, right?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Second Trimester

The 2nd trimester is glorious compared to the 1st. I am feeling wonderful (most the time)!! I can't believe that we're already starting our 5th month of pregnancy. It's crazy. I can feel our little monkey move pretty much every day now, and that is a great feeling. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a picture of the new expanding belly, and we might even find out the gender on Monday! Oh, how great would that be?

Monday, June 26, 2006

The first glimpse!

Karl and I had what we thought was going to be another routine pre-natal appointment, and considering we go every 2 weeks now, we weren't expecting to learn anything new. But, they were having a hard time finding the fetal heart beat, and hadn't been able the last time either. Which I think is some what funny, considering on our Doppler we hear it all the time. Any who, since they haven't been able to hear it yet they were worried that maybe something was wrong and decided to give us a quick ultra sound scan! We actually got to see our little monkey moving and kicking around. It was amazing! The doctor said that if we were only a few weeks further she'd have been able to tell us the sex because s/he was spread eagle! S/he was hanging out upside down for the scan so it was pretty funny to think about. The heart rate is 170, and we got to see him/her rub it's head and kick it legs like crazy. I don't think you could even imagine how cool it is until it's your little bean jumping around. What a wonderful surprise!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Settling down...

So, things have calmed down around the Malefyt house. Frankie has really started to adjust, and has turned out to be quite a lovely dog. And I have had the past week to myself to just chill out, relax, and re-center.

In other news, I applied to join D-groups at Mars Hill with get this... High school GIRLS. I'm basically terrified and excited all at the same time. But hey, maybe I'll get a good babysitter out of it...

Monday, June 12, 2006

High Risk

So, we were labeled a high risk pregnancy a little over a week ago... and we had an appointment today to find out why. Well, apparently on top of being RH Negative, I also have Factor V Leiden. So, you ask what does that mean? Here is what I was told...

"It is thought that Factor V Leiden increases the risk for recurrent fetal loss and has been associated with severe pre-eclampsia, unexplained intrauterine growth retardation, placental abruption, and stillbirth as well as maternal clotting during labor and in the postpartum period"

Good Lord! I hope that this baby will be okay.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have had some really rough days consisting of little food, a lot of puke and sleep, and even some fun at the ER. apparently I have an ovarian cyst that had me doubled over for a day, and have been on couch duty for the past few days. I'm an emotional wreck.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

First Appointment

So, first doctors appointment today, and apparently they had a meeting during my visit. So I was stuck with an LPN and she admitted that she didn't know what she was doing very well with the doppler, and we weren't able to hear the babie's heart beat. We were totally bummed. But, next week hopefully! And hopefully an ulstra sound shortly after... I'm so anxious to see and hear the little guy/girl.

Other than that, the house is working out well. We hope to have people over Thursday assuming that I'm not as sick as I was last Thursday. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Not so glorious

So, let me tell you that being pregnant is not half as glorious and beautiful than I had hoped it to be. To be honest, I haven't felt gross-er (is that even a word?) and more uncomfortable than the past few days in a long time. Lets just say everything smells, and I haven't eaten this many crackers in my life!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

We've moved

Yes, it's true. Karl and I have spontaneously moved across town. We no longer live in that cute little apartment on Divison and Cherry. You see with two big dogs, 3 cats, 1 snake, and a baby on the way - we needed something different.

Monday, April 24, 2006

We're having a baby!

1st: We have a new puppy named Frankie, she's a pit/Doberman. And she's totally precious.

2nd: KARL AND I ARE PREGNANT! And we are sooooo excited!

We had our first doctor's appointment and we are 10 weeks along as of Wednesday! Crazy!!! I was pregnant earlier after all!

A baby!

Apparently I'm pretty potent... Ashley is pregnant. And you can all call me Papa Karl. I couldn't be happier.

Friday, April 21, 2006


So, I've been thinking a lot lately, about various things.. life things..

and I am realizing that my life is awesome. I mean it. Don't get me wrong there are things I don't like, but in general, I've got it made. I don't work. I just go to school. I sit around and eat, and cook, and clean, and do home work, and give loves to my husband and animals, and sleep. And that's about it. And that's pretty good if you ask me. And so I'm thinking I need to be more grateful....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Adventure

Karl and I have started a new business, of which you might have heard of: KTM Photography. We're just starting, and could use a lot of support! Until Karl's portfolio and reputation builds, we're offering ridiculously low priced portraits with the agreement that we are allowed to use your images for what ever use.... you should get in on that!

Monday, April 3, 2006

This is Karl.

Second best night of my entire life. (Second of course to October 29) I haven't been that comfortable and that happy, and have had non stop fun like that in a really long time. I love Lance, Justin, Joel, and Collin almost as much as I love my wife! We made history! Pictures will be posted soon. Thanks to the best wife anyone could have.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm thinking baby...

We're still unsure of the situation... but heartburn, emotions, sore boobs, and this never ending tiredness either screams baby or overly fluctuating hormones.
Either way, it's been a great few days talking and dreaming about what it would be like to have a little munchkin running round.
In 2 weeks I'll be off to the doctor and reporting the news.
I'd hate to have everyone's hopes up and not be prego, but we're happy either way.
God is in control.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


So, it's out. Karl and I MIGHT be pregnant...

Sunday, March 12, 2006


So I had a major hair dying mis-hap yesterday. I dyed my hair and it was suppose to be dark brown, and it's definitely BLACK.

Karl brought me home some flowers, and our cats have been eating them like it's candy....

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Babysitting and ministry

Karl and I babysat the most precious baby boy named Tyler last night... oh boy! What a little doll! It makes me want to have babies in abundance! Half way kidding?

Any who, some exciting things are going on this week. Tuesday (not so exciting) I will spend studying all day. Wednesday is Project Runway finale with Ashelia and husband. And this Thursday we are meeting with Mars Hill about a ministry idea...

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Where are we going?

So, I've given up talking badly about people for lent, and let me tell you it's really hard! Even for someone who doesn't struggle with the habit (namely my husband) finds it a hard task to take on. I have already messed up, but I'm trying!

God has really been doing some amazing things in Karl and I lately. After really working through some things, we've figured out how we're putting a lot of it in action. One of the things that we're going to try and take on (which meshes well with my above situation) is not living in competition with others. It's really a lot harder than you'd think.

We're also praying a lot right now about where we're going in our lives. We have a lot of options, and a lot of questions. Like, what exactly do I want to major in? Do I really want to go to school right now in the first place? How and when do we get involved in ministry? When do we have kids? Where do we find good married friends to develop community with? Do we get more involved with the church? Is this where we're suppose to be living? Where is God pointing us?

We're really excited about all these new things happening.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


So, I've been thinking a lot lately...

and I am realizing that my life is awesome.

I mean it.

Don't get me wrong there are things I don't like, but in general, I've got it great.

I don't work. I just go to school.

I sit around and eat, and cook, and clean, and do home work, and give loves to my husband and animals, and sleep. And that's about it.

And that's pretty good if you ask me....

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Day One

My first day/night alone has been awkward. Not terrible, but not good either. It's hard to sleep in what feels like an empty bed regardless to the fact that I have 3 cats and a dog sprawled about it. (not a normal occasion, only in special circumstances as this weekend). On the other hand though, I have started to realize how much Karl does for me, how well we work together as a team, and how much I appreciate him being around. And that's a good thing....

On a less heartfelt note, I have been a homework machine today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

I hate being alone...

Karl and I spent the weekend in Indiana, and while down there my mother bought me $100 worth of clothing! How amazing is that! What a mom, that lady! I also got new glasses (finally!) while down there. and I have to say I'm loving them...

So, Karl is about to leave me for the first time in over a year (basically since this same trip last year) for the entire weekend, to go to spring hill. I have to admit, I'm basically freaking out about being here alone all weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


So, I'm reading this book.. some of you may have to. And this hit me.

"Humans, as a species, are constantly, and in every way, comparing themselves to one another, which, given the brief nature of their existence, seems an oddity and, for that matter, a waste. Nevertheless, this is the driving influence behind every human's social development, their emotional health and sense of joy, and, sadly, their greatest tragedies. It is as though something that helped them function and live well has gone missing, and they are pining for that missing thing in all sorts of odd methods, and none of them are working. The greater tragedy is that very few people understand they have the disease. this seems strange as well because it's obvious. To be sure, it is killing them, and yet sustaining their social and economic systems. They are an entirely beautiful people with a terrible problem."

Monday, January 23, 2006


Okay, in all seriousness. Have you ever felt like you're craving something but you're not sure what it is. And I'm not talking about needing Jesus (or maybe I am?), but more along the lines of better relationships, better education, better... something... You can feel it in your bones, your heart, in your gut that you need it so badly... But yet you still can't even figure out what it is so that way you can make steps toward that.

I don't know... Maybe it is fellowship. (real fellowship) Karl and I are looking for a new church, not saying that we wont still be attending Mars, as we're not even sure completely if we want to join a new church.. but maybe that's that something. Maybe not. I'm not sure.

All I know is that I'm craving something, desperately... Have you felt that? How did you go about figuring it all out? What was it. In all seriousness.

Thursday, January 5, 2006


So, Karl and I went to the in-laws for dinner, and come to find out, his sister Julie had found a stray cat in their back yard.....

So, you know what happened...

We temporarily have a new cat.

I know, I know...


School starts this coming week, and I'm quite nervous. I suppose it will be a nice change compared to spending my days sleeping in, basically never showering, watching cook shows and animal planet all day, and then going back to bed...

I've enjoyed the past few weeks with the holidays, parties, and thursdays. Thanks friends. Thanks family, Thanks husband.