Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I admit I have been a total spaz about checking my email every hour or so starting around 2AM our time (8AM Olives time) for the last few weeks - praying that I would wake up to a miracle.

Well this morning I got a very good email!

Olive's paperwork is done - and she's free and clear for adoption!

All we have left is to wait for a date!

Thank you LORD!


Amy L said...

How exciting!!

Jessica Brown said...

i don't even know where i found your blog, but i've been following it closely and excitedly for a few weeks now.

GREAT news! how wonderful! i'll pray for a quick date.

we're also in an adoption process, and it fun to read about other families that are doing this.

can't wait to hear more!

And patiently waiting... said...

Yeah!!!! God is good! All in His timing! That is so awesome!!!

Zactly said...

Hooray!!! You ought to find out soon now. So excited for you all.

soontobemomof9 said...

Praising God!!!!

Been praying for some miracles myself lately! :)