He has slept in it the past two nights, and has only fallen out once.
(We've laid padding!)
He hasn't even attempted to get off the bed himself either.
Assuming that he continues sleeping this well, we'll buy him a real toddler bed soon and free up the crib for Miss Evelyn.
Evelyn is still co-sleeping with Karl and I in our bed for now though.
Speaking of my little lady - she managed to give me a hickey last night.
Right on my face!
Some how she was able to latch on to my face (near my lip) for a second before I woke up to realize she was hungry.
So now I'm sporting a little hickey from my little lady.
It's pretty embarrassing.
She is going through a growth spirt right now - I nursed her this afternoon until I had nothing left and she was still hungry.
I had no choice but to use some stored milk because she was screaming irately.
Well, she took FOUR ounces! FOUR!
I think we're going to have to buy a can of formula as back up for situations like this, because she certainly wasn't willing for my milk to replenish before she ate again.
Right after she was fast asleep.
I have been super busy this past week, and now I've been spending near every available minute retouching pictures.
I spent most the day today retouching pictures for Myka and Myles, a little boy I use to babysit. He's 6 months old and already waving bye!

I've started reading a book called Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, by Joanna Weaver. It's so what I need right now. In the first few opening pages it already spoke to my heart.
Here is one of the first passages:
"Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The thought intrigues you. Deep down inside of you there is a hunger, a calling, to know and love God. To truly know Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Spirit. You're not after more head knowledge -it's heart-to-heart intimacy you long for.
Yet a part of you hangs back. Exhausted, you wonder how to find the strength or time. Nurturing your spiritual life seems like one more duty -one more thing to add to a life that is spilling over with responsibilities.
It's almost as if you're standing on the bottom rung of a ladder that stretches up to heaven. Eager but daunted, you name the rungs with spiritual things you know you should do: study the Bible, pray, fellowship...
"He's up there somewhere," you say, swaying lightly as you peer upward, uncertain how to begin or if you even want to attempt the long, dizzy climb. But to do nothing means you will miss what your heart already knows: There is more to this Christian walk than you've experienced. And you're just hungry enough -just desperate enough- to want it all."
It continues on later to say:
"We've all felt the struggle. We want to worship like Mary, but the Martha inside keeps bossing us around... I must admit I find myself cheering for Martha. I know we tend to sing Mary's praises in Bible studies. But Martha, to be honest, appeals more to my perfectionist tendencies..."
Anyway, this book is really speaking to me - and it's a good 10 minute here and there read. Which is the only way I get to read these days.
I look forward to getting further.
1 comment:
well just be careful about the formula because the more you feed her the bottle the less milk you make. usually with a growth spurt there are 3-4 intense days of nursing following by a return to normal routine. uhh im sure you already know that though :)
and hickeys? ok girl been there!
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