Friday Karl and I took all the kids to the park to play, and they had a total blast.
The last time we had gone was before Evelyn was born - and Ethan is finally old enough to really enjoy it.
It was really a nice break for me because I got to lay on the bench and make googly faces at Evie as Karl ran around with the toddlers.
I wish I would have brought my camera.
But, I did take a picture of a bunch of wild flowers that I put in to a vase:
Foster class was INTERESTING.
I won't go in to it much, but there are some interesting people there, with interesting personalities.
I've gotten through about half of a humongo book we have to read along with the classes, and it just kills me reading about all the different ways parents abuse, and how it effects kids in the long run.
At least there is affirmation in the fact that our family can actually make a difference in someone's life - long term, and for the good.
I took some pictures of the kids on our way to dinner and grocery shopping Friday night just for the sake of it.
Mainly because I feel I haven't been taking enough of them lately.
Her first mini skirt!
Her momma Kasey bought her these shoes when she was a week old, and they finally fit! I LOVE them.
Look - she's getting ROLLS!
Ethan's a serious contender in coloring sports!
Yes, he's finally figured out that picking your nose, and farting are funny.... well to Daddy anyway
Talking on his cellular phone...
I have had a family shoot, engagement shoot, and wedding that I've been working on.
I haven't edited the first two - but I am about half way through the wedding.
Here are a few of my favorites of the couple themselves:
Tomorrow is my birthday and I think we'll go out to eat to celebrate my FIL Tim's birthday as well.
My mom mentioned watching the kids, so Karl and I can have a night out too.
That would be SOOO NICE!
Other than that, I've already recieved my gift from Karl - my wonderful sewing machine.
But, he's going to spoil me with some extra time this week to actually use it.
I'm excited.
Our house hold is getting so busy that I actually broke down and had to make a "chart" of our doings just to remember them and keep up on things.
Sad right?
But, what ever works:
Oh, and I passed about a 2mm kidney stone earlier this week too! First one I've actually SEEN
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