Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What a long day!

Today was a blur - so I'm just going to give a quick run down so I can head to bed.
I am pooped!

Okay, so we got up early, walked to the orphanage in the freeezing cold.
got Olive from her room and again she was happy to see us.
We played for a little while - and then we went to the main office on the main floor of the orphanage - where we were invited to watch a Serbian Orthodox Religious ritual for the holiday, Saint Sava.
It was very interesting to see, and I wish our camera batteries weren't dead - so we could have taken some video.
We got to see little Srecko there - and he was such a doll! He was giggly, and goofy, and had such a good spirit about him.
After that we went back to the room, where we proceeded to play throw and drop everything over and over and over and over and over - for hours.
Olive got a kick out of it. Mommy and Daddy got a little bored with it.
But it was a pleasure to just be with her.
She decided that she liked to take a pacifier, and a while after that decided that the Eucerine lotion bottle we brought to put on her face and hands was the best thing on earth.
She even started to sign 'more' for it!
She didn't put it down (unless it was to throw it down in play very occasionally) for hours.
She seemed a little over stimmed this morning, so we had a nice and quiet visit, fed her her lunch (which she loves to eat!) and then headed out.

After we left the orphanage we decided to take a cab back to the apartment to save time, we came in, dropped off the baby garb, and went out to the market. We bought some eggs, pickled spicy pepper sauce, dried cranberries, some smoked 'cheese from cow' (apparently there is no other type here. lol), hamburger, and what we think might be bacon... then we went to the apoteka (drug store) to get a baby bottle & some banana flavored rice cereal. When we went to a indoor market (grocery store) to buy some hamburger buns, butter, juice and frozen green beans. And get this - we got all of that for about $15.00!

By the time we got back, unloaded, and reloaded baby stuff - it was time to go back to the orphanage.
Our second visit was much more lively.
Olive was very excited to see us - and she was much more comfortable with us this time.
We fed her snack right away, and the girl loves to eat!
She played the pick it up, and then drop it game for forever again ;)
Towards the end, she enjoyed getting cuddles and kisses and nibbles from us.
Before, she would tolerate it - but she actually started to enjoy it.
We learned that she could crawl today. But, she can only make it a few feet before she gets to tired.
She was crawling on her elbows for a little while before we got here, but today she started to crawl on her hands and knees! :)
Other than the pick it up and throw it game, we did 'Pat-a-Cake' - and she LOVED it! She was giggling up a storm!
We fed her dinner, and she was tired, so we gave her back to her favorite nursey to go to sleep.
That particular nurse is so good with the kids - there is a little blind boy in the room next to Olive (a room which she also takes care of) that she will put on loud music for, and dance around with him. It is SO stinkin' cute. You can tell she actually likes the children, and enjoys her job.
After the visit was over, we picked up dinner (pizza and some eggroll tasting pastry) for only $3.00!
We came home, we ate, we updated, and now we are off to bed!



Oh how awesome is that to see Olive really happy with mommy and daddy!!!! We are so so very happy for you all. Can't wait to see her leaving and heading to America to her forever family and new life.. Olive is so adorable in her piggy tails.
Beautiful videos!!

Have a blessed trip.

saving said...

She is adorable. I love the pig tails, so cute!

Sarah Maples said...

Seriously, who is this child? She was sooooo waiting for her mommy and daddy to come save her. I am so happy for you guys but even happier for Olive! Congratulations again!!
love the pig tails!!!

soontobemomof9 said...

Oh my! She is just too adorable! And she looks to be doing so well! I love her eyes... just gorgeous! Looks like you 3 have always been together! :)

I am so happy!