Sunday, January 17, 2010

My darling Evelyn

Let me preface with the fact that she is just being a goof for reactions...

Tonight before bed, I decided to practice using and uploading a video from a camera my girlfriend Jen loaned to us for while we're in Serbia....
Evelyn and I were practicing saying the words she knows, and she started going in to this goofy little devil girl mode she does sometimes...
She has three voices, her normal perky chipmunk voice, whispering, and devil girl.
This is a video of her slipping in and out of devil girl while practicing her words...
it was too funny....

As far as adoption related news - we are 90% packed.
We have to do some rearranging and adding of things we bought today (travel soap, etc)..
We still have to figure out how we're going to handle either carrying our money, or pulling it out of the bank there, etc. We're going to go in to our bank and talk to them on Tuesday.
There is still a lot I'd like to do around the house - and we're running out of time.
I was going full steam for a while there, but I'm definitely losing it.
Hopefully with a good nights rest tonight, I'll be able to be back at it tomorrow....
The kids haven't been sleeping at night - so prayers for that would be lovely!
4.5 days! 7.5 days until we meet our little girl!

1 comment:

Summers Family said...

Praying for a good nights sleep for everyone.
Praying for safe travels.
Praying that all will go smoothly in Serbia.

Good luck!

Summers Family :-)