Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Matching Grant Update

We have been given $1,300 of our needed $2,500 towards our matching grant!
We have a need of $1,200 to be fully funded!!
(or at least in theory as our costs are estimates)

If you would like to come along side us and support our adoption please send a tax deductible check to:
Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40 / 202 N. Ford St. 
Gridley, IL 61744
IN THE MEMO SECTION of the check: please include Malefyt #1021adoption
In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to the named non-profit organization. 
This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor's suggested use. 

Or via the 'donate' button on this blog.
Or our Family Sponsorship profile at http://reecesrainbow.com/familysponsorshipalmostthere.htm - we are near the bottomw :)

Thank you for investing in the Kingdom through prayer and finances — it will be an investment with an eternal return! 
(Matt 6:20)

1 comment:

soontobemomof9 said...

ASWESOME!!!! That is very exciting!