Friday, June 26, 2009

Still Waiting

We're still doing a lot of waiting around here.
We're waiting for paperwork,
Waiting for appointments,
Waiting for Olive's cardiology notes to be translated...

We've had a lot of "duds" for fundraisers.
Our Garage sale this past week didn't do well.
And this week we were suppose to have a "Parent's Night Out" and no one signed up...
I'm not sure what God's plan is in this - you'd think that He'd reach out His Mighty Hand and bless us in our efforts.
But, He is not.
Sometimes I get discouraged because of it - but I'm trying to believe that He has a purpose for this that will bless us more than finances in this minute would.

But, Cara and Doug have blessed us yet again with another picture of our little girl.

Isn't she just so beautiful.
I wish with every part of my being that I could go over there right now and get her.
It literally hurts my heart that I can't.
I wish that God would just have mercy on us, and spare us all of this process, and make some wonderful, amazing way that we could just go get her NOW!
But, He wont - and we'll wait. And she'll wait. And We'll continue to have faith that He's working, and it's the best for everyone - even though bringing her home tomorrow sounds better to me.


And patiently waiting... said...

Don't give up..just rest in His arms!! Waiting is the worst part..painful? YES If you go tomorrow.. I am going with!! :) I'll keep praying for a peace!

Nate and Emily said...

During our pregnancy we also had alot of waiting as we anticipated the outcome of Carson's capabilities. We had no idea if he would be born kicking his legs or if he would have paralysis. Throughout that time we learned alot about patience and trust. Just remember that God is faithful and He has not failed us yet.
Emily and Nate Bush

Holly said...

What a cutie! I hope you have some progress soon!

soontobemomof9 said...

I am with you! Waiting is just so darned hard! ... but she is a doll, and what a blessing God is giving you!!! HE knows how hard waiting is, so he is giving you what He can while he waits and works out His perfect plan!