Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God Math

Don't you just love God Math?
If you're not familiar what I'm talking about, it's when your budget, and brain say "this is not possible - we will not make it. We can not afford it"
And then God does his "God Math" and all the sudden it is possible, you will make it, and you can afford it... not because of something you've done - but by some mind-boggling way God has afforded it to you.

Well, we've had some serious God Math over here.
Just days after my last post, lamenting about why He wasn't blessing us with finances - He was just about to!

Some how when we had our foster kids, and life was impossibly busy, I (crazy budgeter, check book always balanced, bills always paid, me - some how paid our mortgage two times, on two different months!
I know - how do you not notice that!?
How did I of all people not notice that!?
Well, some how I didn't, and God did his God Math - and we don't have a mortgage due until August, because I already paid it!

That leaves us with about $7,552 to fundraise.
We'd love to travel in October - so that's about 13-14 weeks from now.
Its such a scary number, but I just have to believe that God will work it out.
If He can do this with out me being aware - He can do anything!

Well we got slammed with some unexpected bills that ate up this month's mortgage. So, that makes me sad. But, still - God knew it was coming - and he provided. Wether it goes to Olive or keeping us current on unexpected bills - it's all in His hands.


Michelle Riggs said...

Thank you so much for this post. It was just what I needed to read right now.

Thank you also for your encouraging words and prayers for Abby.


ds.mama said...

Hi there,

What a blessing. I love God math! How are things going with the Partylite fundraiser? Is it still going on or will you be shipping soon?

EMILY G. said...

what you are doing is soooo wonderful!! hang in there it will work out!!! i can't wait to read all your posts of when she is at home in your arms!!