Saturday, April 18, 2009


We have reached 8% with the help of our garage sale and a few generous donators.
You couldn't know the joy I have writing that unless you've been where we are now, trying to raise an enormous amount of money to save your child from a horrendous fate.
We are waiting word from our facilitators state side and countryside on whether or not they are going to be willing to look at our initial paperwork.
Please help to cover us in prayer as things are still "in the air".
But we are walking in faith and completely trusting God in where ever he takes us in this journey.
I know some people have reservations donating to help us financially with our initial costs while things are still unstable.
So if that is the case, please consider the fact that no matter what happens, your family's donation will be used to help save an orphan from instutionalization. God forbid we're not able to adopt Olive fore some reason, all donations will be used to help us adopt from another (more stable) country. Should He close the door completely, all donations will be given to sponsor an orphan at Reeces Rainbow.
If you are wanting to make a tax deductible donation specifically to Olive, which stays with her irreguardless to who adopts her, please go to and look for Olive's name under the European gallery found at the bottom if the home page.
I'd like to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has donated to and prayed for us.
It means so much.


Jaime said...

Let me know when you would like to do the blog auction...
I hope things are going well.
Talk soon

jessica-page said...

Ashley.. we have not forgot about you and baby Olive ((and family))! Shannon is on vaca and when she returns we will have that auction going up YaY!!! We had some VERY generous ladies from donate wonderful stuff! I can't wait to see how it goes! Also I want you to know that your button has ((and will always)) have it's spot on my blog! Always in my prayers and cross our fingers for {{good news}}!!
