Friday, March 27, 2009


I feel like I've just lost a child.
Olive's country has been put on hold.
And because of my using antidepressants after Ethan, we're 99.9% sure that we are not going to be able to adopt Olive even if they do decide to open their program again.
I'm so heart broken right now, I can hardly keep it together.
I don't understand why.

We are praying that God will move hugely, and change this all around.

We are not going to commit to any other child until they tell us a firm "NO"... but it just feels like there's no hope.

I wish they would have told us that the anti-depressants could cause and issue from the beginning.

God is big though, and even if they say "NO" now, we will ALWAYS say "yes" the second they give us hope that we might still be able to adopt her.

Even if we were to commit to another child, or continue to adopt from foster care...
Olive is my daughter - and I will take her no matter what.


lisa matthews said...

What does this mean mama? Put on hold? Surely there's still a chance!


Don't give up !!
You need to wait until you get an answer from the M.O. Adoption is a roller coaster ride, so don't give up yet!!! Olive needs you to hang in there for her.. They change rules all the time... Take one day at a time...

Sending big hugs to you~ Jody

Mommy and Peepers said...

i lost your email, im at, we just adopted Josie from serbia. I am on zoloft and it was never an issue. Don't give up.