My parents officially moved to Michigan.
We spent the better part of this last weekend helping them move.
I'm so glad that they're finally here!
Evelyn had her 4 month visit earlier.
Let's just say she's my little porker!
Almost 14 pounds!
She's about the 60th percentile for weight, and get this - 96th% for height!
We have a super model on our hands!
We didn't do the DTaP vaccine this round, and she had absolutely no adverse reactions to the vaccinations. She ran a fever for a bit, but that's about it.
Before vaccinations: Nice and calm

After vaccinations, and just as calm!
Doc said for how often she eats, combined with her developmental mile stones and weight that we should start introducing rice cereal, and apple sauce.
We tried Organic Rice Cereal first...
She wasn't having it.
We tried Organic Stage One Apple Sauce next, she wasn't having that either.
I don't think that she's ready for solid foods.
They go in, and then they razz back out.
We'll try again in a week or two.
I am in no rush.
The other day I had a photo shoot up in Rockford,
So Karl and the kids came along so we could eat at The Corner Bar.
It's one of our favorite places, but we don't ever go because it's so far North.
But, we figured while I had to be there anyway...
might as well go.
I also took advantage of their cute little down town, and did a mini-session with Ethan.
I can't believe how big he's getting.
I think I love this stage the most.
I guess I really love every stage...
but toddlers are just so full of personality!
Last night I got a good amount of time to watch Evelyn sleep,
and to actually do some reading.
It was really nice.
I'm watching the baby sitting kids plus my brother this week,
Daniel until 9:30PM...
So, it was much needed and appreciated.
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