Wednesday, February 14, 2007


So, I was just thinking how much has changed over the last couple years...
I think about how I use to be 3 1/2 years ago when Karl and I started dating, and I am just astonished at how much personal growth both he and I have gone through.
Even just the growth that we've accomplished since we were married is amazing - if I do say so myself. Last night we met with our mentor couple for dinner, who were our premarital counselors as well... and I think it was the first time that we didn't have any "issues" to work through. We could just sit down and celebrate all the amazing blessings that we've been given, and all that we've accomplished in our relationship, and otherwise. It feels good, to feel good. I love our relationship, I love our son (oh, so much!), I love seeing us as PARENTS (crazy!), I love seeing our friends grow, I love our nutso animals, I love our roommates, I love our small group (I never thought I'd say that)...
Things are good.

On the other hand though, I hate taxes!
(We owe from when Karl was

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