Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
I am in love....
with the two baby squirrels that nest in a tree outside my front window. They're probably 4 inches long, and the cutest things I've ever seen.
Prenatal appointment yesterday went well. Every thing's normal. The possibilities of a VBAC aren't likely :( But, if I have to schedule she said they would most likely be fine with scheduling my section at 37w4/5days. Which is right in the middle of Karl's spring break. That would be so lovely. And then Daddy and Baby's birthdays would be very close. Karl's is April 11, and we're hoping for April 9 with little Evie. The last few weeks are the worst weeks (for me anyway), so I would be totally extatic! So, I've gained 5lbs so far with this pregnancy, and apparently I should have gained about 10 by now... oops. I think I had already gained like 15 at this point with Ethan... haha. But, what can ya do?
with the two baby squirrels that nest in a tree outside my front window. They're probably 4 inches long, and the cutest things I've ever seen.
Prenatal appointment yesterday went well. Every thing's normal. The possibilities of a VBAC aren't likely :( But, if I have to schedule she said they would most likely be fine with scheduling my section at 37w4/5days. Which is right in the middle of Karl's spring break. That would be so lovely. And then Daddy and Baby's birthdays would be very close. Karl's is April 11, and we're hoping for April 9 with little Evie. The last few weeks are the worst weeks (for me anyway), so I would be totally extatic! So, I've gained 5lbs so far with this pregnancy, and apparently I should have gained about 10 by now... oops. I think I had already gained like 15 at this point with Ethan... haha. But, what can ya do?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
a long week...
Thanksgiving week was long - but really nice. Karl's uncles from Oregon were here for the weekend before, and it was nice to see family that you don't see often. My grandparents and parents was chaos per usual - but I wouldn't have it any other way. We got to tell every one that we're having a girl, which was really fun! When we got home from our weekend in Indiana, Collin and Ciara (and their too cute roommate) came by for a bit, and I loved chatting with them about what's new in their life.... So all in all it was busy, but GREAT!
Now I've had some down time to just relax (before our next super busy phase, more on that later) and think...
I'm realizing how content I am this time around being pregnant. I'm not glorifying my "months" by always jumping to the next one higher (I personally think you're only tricking yourself. I am 18 weeks and 4 days exactly), I'm not dwelling on symptoms (in fact I'm enjoying them - as much as one can), I'm not wearing maternity clothes, and hyper-extending my belly to look bigger (..people do that). I'm not concerned with due dates, or my high-risk complications. I'm not dwelling on every fetal movement, or lack of. Every pre-natal test, and ultrasound.... I'm just happy. I'm happy to be pregnant. I'm not in a rush to get it over with. I'm content in the fact that the Lord will take care of me and Evelyn-to-be. All of these things were not so with Ethan, and it probably wasn't healthy. But, my anxiety did drive me to learn a lot - and that's probably what's enabled me to be so content with this baby... it's good. God is good.
As the before mentioned: we have a busy phase coming up. We're painting the nursery, moving Ethan in to it, removing layers of wall paper from Ethan's room, painting his room, moving him back, setting up Evie's nursery, getting wall paper down from our room, painting our room, getting family pictures... hopefully just in time for Christmas (very busy with our 4 places we have to be) then new years, then Ethan's first birthday party in Indiana, then his second-first birthday in Michigan and that brings us to the middle of January. Can you believe it! Time is flying! I don't know how we do it all!
Now I've had some down time to just relax (before our next super busy phase, more on that later) and think...
I'm realizing how content I am this time around being pregnant. I'm not glorifying my "months" by always jumping to the next one higher (I personally think you're only tricking yourself. I am 18 weeks and 4 days exactly), I'm not dwelling on symptoms (in fact I'm enjoying them - as much as one can), I'm not wearing maternity clothes, and hyper-extending my belly to look bigger (..people do that). I'm not concerned with due dates, or my high-risk complications. I'm not dwelling on every fetal movement, or lack of. Every pre-natal test, and ultrasound.... I'm just happy. I'm happy to be pregnant. I'm not in a rush to get it over with. I'm content in the fact that the Lord will take care of me and Evelyn-to-be. All of these things were not so with Ethan, and it probably wasn't healthy. But, my anxiety did drive me to learn a lot - and that's probably what's enabled me to be so content with this baby... it's good. God is good.
As the before mentioned: we have a busy phase coming up. We're painting the nursery, moving Ethan in to it, removing layers of wall paper from Ethan's room, painting his room, moving him back, setting up Evie's nursery, getting wall paper down from our room, painting our room, getting family pictures... hopefully just in time for Christmas (very busy with our 4 places we have to be) then new years, then Ethan's first birthday party in Indiana, then his second-first birthday in Michigan and that brings us to the middle of January. Can you believe it! Time is flying! I don't know how we do it all!
Monday, November 19, 2007

It's a GIRL!!! We couldn't be happier. Funny thing is I've said from the beginning that I thought it was a girl.
Thank the Lord everything we've been praying for is coming true, she's healthy, she's not (AS) huge (as Ethan), no signs of anything wrong at all! She's only measuring a few days ahead, and is very calm.
So here's to Evelyn Dee Lorene!
Friday, November 16, 2007
will we find out?
My full diagnostic ultrasound has been moved up a week to this Monday. I have ants in my pants! I will only be 17.5 weeks - so I'm not quite sure if we'll find out the gender this time... but here's to hoping! Being the research nut that I am, medical studies with a transabdominal ultrasound with "decent" equipment (level II, the perinatal office I go to has top notch) after week 14 with a fetus in favorable position, they were able to correctly identify approximately 85%. Considering the quality of ultrasound equipment, and our past experience with the sonographers, and finding out that Ethan was a boy at 17w5d - we're praying we'll know in a few short days! Will it be Owen or Evelyn (or Olivia - that's the name I want, but Karl's currently not budging).
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
He weighed in at a whopping 21lbs! My chunk-a-love!
We've been struggling with him throwing things off of tables
(today he shattered a glass candle - scary!)
and we got some great, and reassuring advice on "discipline" for our little bugger.
Reassuring because Doc H. said is totally normal for his age to be "testing" us, and it's not a sign of defiance, or purposeful disobedience on his part - but more just feeling things out... figuring out what's ok and what's not.
Being that we don't agree with the whole spanking thing at this age (also strongly discouraged by Doc. H) he suggested a firm "no" or "don't touch", and whisking him to a "naughty spot" for 30 seconds to a minute of "alone time" (aka glorified way of saying time-out) after a warning.
So, let's hope this helps! It's not a HUGE deal at home, but I doubt if you had us over you'd want our little angel throwing your things across the room :)
Other than that, he had his poor toe annihilated, poking him for blood work, and a flu shot to boot... I hate hearing him scream like that...
After our appointment, we came home to a pleasant surprise invitation to dinner with Kasey's family. Thank you Kasey - it was amazing! Which was such a blessing, because I was dreading the idea of cooking tonight. It was such a lovely time, I love all the Simon hugs, and Amelia - ooh I could just eat her up! Ethan was in a mood after a skipped nap, and his lovely shots so we didn't get the amazingly cute play-time pictures I had hoped. But, I did get a picture of my kid being a bully haha. So here's that.
Other than that, he had his poor toe annihilated, poking him for blood work, and a flu shot to boot... I hate hearing him scream like that...
After our appointment, we came home to a pleasant surprise invitation to dinner with Kasey's family. Thank you Kasey - it was amazing! Which was such a blessing, because I was dreading the idea of cooking tonight. It was such a lovely time, I love all the Simon hugs, and Amelia - ooh I could just eat her up! Ethan was in a mood after a skipped nap, and his lovely shots so we didn't get the amazingly cute play-time pictures I had hoped. But, I did get a picture of my kid being a bully haha. So here's that.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
15 weeks pregnant with #2
It's almost embarrassing to show you this picture... because I look like I did when I was 5 months pregnant with Ethan, and I'm only 15 weeks. But, in my defense, I have only gained 2lbs and am actually weighing in less than my pre-Ethan-pregnancy weight. Anyway, here is the first of many belly shots.

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Shut ins...
So, Ethan and I hid in the dark watching TV and cuddling during Halloween this year - attempting to ward off trick-or-treaters...
Karl was at a party with his D-group guys and I wasn't even about to attempt to handle the dogs and the baby by myself... So, no cute pictures of Ethan in a cute little costume. I wish, but next year.
Speaking of Ethan, I can't believe my baby is just 9 weeks away from being ONE! I know that sounds like a long time, but it goes way faster than you think. But, I'm not sad - in fact the longer he's around, the more deeply in love I fall with him. He's such an amazing little boy, and I love watching all his little silly things come out in his personality... the best is when he leans in to give you a hug... Ohhhh... my boy.
So, I had another prenatal appointment today - and I'm yet again growin' a big one. Measuring 18 weeks at 14w5d. My dreams of a VBAC started slowly slipping away after talking with the midwife about it. But, I'm still praying for it - and will have a formal consultation on the issue after my next ultrasound. A little over 3 weeks until we (hopefully) find out the baby's gender.. yay!
One thing I am thankful for during this pregnancy, and changing care providers, is that I'm not being treated like a high-risk pregnancy - or at least not as much as I was last time. I have to have more ultrasounds, and more testing, but I only have to go in every 3-4 weeks like normal pregnancies (with Ethan it was every 2 for the first half, and every week until the 3rd trimester, and then TWICE! a week until delivery)... I guess although the circumstances aren't any different as far as risk - being treated more normal makes me feel more normal, hence less stressed out. It's good. I like my midwife.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I'm ready!
A relaxing weekend is EXACTLY what I needed. I am rejuvenated and ready for any "mommy-stuff" that's thrown at me...
PS. Don't try and fit in your old pre-child bikini bottoms post-children. NOT even funny!
PS. Don't try and fit in your old pre-child bikini bottoms post-children. NOT even funny!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
So, I started to feel the baby move yesterday. Nothing huge, but when I lay still at night or in the morning I'm able to feel little flutters of movement... exciting! Also, my belly button has already popped - what!?
In other news, our family is doing the Dave Ramsey plan for our financial life. I know sacrificing "things" now, and not "keeping up with the Jones'" will pay off in the long run. But, none the less - I'm scared.
...and we have a stove - hallelujah!
In other news, our family is doing the Dave Ramsey plan for our financial life. I know sacrificing "things" now, and not "keeping up with the Jones'" will pay off in the long run. But, none the less - I'm scared.
...and we have a stove - hallelujah!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
We're going away for the weekend!!! For the first time since our honeymoon!
Figured it'll be the second to last time (we're going to a marriage conference at the Amway in Feb.) for the next oh, year and a half. So we're going to Bay Pointe Inn for our 2nd Anniversary. I'm so excited! The fall colors should be amazing - I can't wait. WE need this.
Figured it'll be the second to last time (we're going to a marriage conference at the Amway in Feb.) for the next oh, year and a half. So we're going to Bay Pointe Inn for our 2nd Anniversary. I'm so excited! The fall colors should be amazing - I can't wait. WE need this.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Baby two..
Third ultrasound today (5th? prenatal appt), and all is well.
They were looking for a specific measurement and couldn't quite get it - so it was literally an hour long!
It was neat, until they angled me way head down attempting to turn the baby. That was interesting. But, anyway no signs of down syndrome, all parts expected to been seen (ie: arms, hands, legs, feet, heat, heart, abdomen) were there, and in working order. 162(?)BPM, and kicking.
The tech said that the baby is calm for gestational age, and that s/he is measuring 4 days ahead.
It doesn't sound like much, but this is when babies start taking off on their own growth pattern, and of course ours is getting a running start at getting big already. Other things we talked about were possibilities of a VBAC. We've decided if the baby is measuring "small enough" (every woman can be different in what they can labor, despite the size of the woman. Knowing that it's not possible for me to labor a baby bigger than 9-9.5lbs) we're definitely going to try a VBAC.
The only other thing threatening that possibility would be that my body doesn't naturally go in to labor before, on, or shortly after my due date - they won't let me go much past because the scar tissue can only handle so much (again like every woman, every scar is different) and they won't risk rupture in a "clotter" like me.
So we're hoping for a small baby, where I go in to labor naturally. But, one thing I've learned with pregnancy via the last time is don't count on anything! Because most likely it will not happen the way you expect/hope/etc.
Other things discussed is that I (probably - can't tell for sure with out non stress tests) have a "hypersensitive" uterus. I'm already having braxton hicks contractions, and yes they are contractions for sure, because of this "hypersensitivity". They didn't explain to me exactly why it would be this way, but just said that it's nothing to worry about as long as I am not having cervical changes, fluid leaks, or bleeding. So, another thing to add to my all too frequent prenatal visits is cervical checks. I'll have my first in 6 weeks. Yay! my favorite. But, luckily they'll do it with ultrasound when I am having ultra sounds to spare me the ever so lovely manual check as much as possible.
I also have sciatica already. Again, not explained to me why so early, but none the less here. I asked for advice on how to handle it, and I got "rest and relaxation". Okay, GREAT. Thanks. So, I think I'll bring it up again with my midwife, and hope she'll be more sympathetic and explanatory. I don't think I can handle shooting leg pain for the next 6 months.
Speaking of, I can't believe that I'm already starting my second trimester. It just shows how much I didn't have to do with my first pregnancy, despite how busy I thought I was. I'm sure if I get pregnant again, I'll say the same about this pregnancy too though... But, everything is well. We got a really cute picture. I hope to scan it when ever we get the scanner hooked up. I have my full diagnostic ultrasound, and "cervical check" in 6 weeks, can't wait!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
We've been with out heat for the last two weeks.
Also, big news for us, Ethan is currently spending the weekend at his Grandma "Foxy's", aka my mom's.
(side note, her last name is Brown, we call her Foxy Brown as a joke, hence Grandma Foxy)
I thought I'd be a wreck the second I handed him over, but I'm not.
We've been with out heat for the last two weeks.
Also, big news for us, Ethan is currently spending the weekend at his Grandma "Foxy's", aka my mom's.
(side note, her last name is Brown, we call her Foxy Brown as a joke, hence Grandma Foxy)
I thought I'd be a wreck the second I handed him over, but I'm not.
I'm well, and enjoying the first time alone with my husband in over 9 months!!!
It's fantastic. Not that I don't want to drive down there and snatch him up every second.
But it's nice to have "couple" time.
So, in celebration of HEAT! and our time alone, we're going to The Corner Bar in Rockford for some white chicken chili. I tried it at a benefit for the Christian school system, and never had a chance to actually make it to the restaurant, and have more than the two tablespoons that delighted my tummy before.
So tonight, we're off to enjoy kid-less eating! MMMhhmm
Thursday, October 4, 2007
hangin' in there!
So, yes! I'm barely alive!
It's been a crazy couple of weeks.
We moved out of our old house and in to our new house... but it wasn't as easy as it sounds.
We had problems with paper work on the new house, so we lived at my in-laws for 2 weeks.
And went to my parent's for the rest of the wait.
We ended up with $1,800 in unexpected costs to move in (ugh).
We're still mostly in boxes, with out appliances.
We moved out of our old house and in to our new house... but it wasn't as easy as it sounds.
We had problems with paper work on the new house, so we lived at my in-laws for 2 weeks.
And went to my parent's for the rest of the wait.
We ended up with $1,800 in unexpected costs to move in (ugh).
We're still mostly in boxes, with out appliances.
You don't realize how badly you need a washer, dryer, fridge, and stove until you don't have one for a whole week! I don't want to see fast food again... well, maybe Panera, because that's probably the only place I haven't eaten at this week.
We still have to pull out all the staples and tack strips in the rooms upstairs before we can actually get in to our bedrooms. Who ever laid the carpet thought it was necessary to put triple rows of staples all the way across the floors both ways... why?! anyway.
To top it all off I had to get a job, because the numbers were higher than expected due to a homestead tax problem. Basically we're paying taxes and insurance on a $185,000 (I think?) house because that was the last it was assessed at before the previous people destroyed it. Unfortunately that can't be fixed until after January because of some BS government rule. So, that makes me a working woman to at least January... At least I didn't have to get a "real" job though. I just work 2.5-3 hours a night at Millbrook for Karl vacuuming classrooms.
It just stinks because I'm still in the first trimester, feeling like I can sleep all day long, and I can't seem to get any sleep. I'm with bubs, and the dogs (usually a bigger pain than Ethan) attempting to clean and unpack this horrid house during the day. Karl comes home, relief! and then we have dinner, I go to work, come home with just enough time to kiss my kid, watch a half hour of TV, and go to bed...
Ahhh life!
In other news, we had our 2nd ultrasound Monday. The first was pretty uneventful - minus hearing the heart beat for the first time. Which is very exciting and relieving. But this time we got to see the shape of what I've been calling baby two. There wasn't a whole lot else to see since we're only 10 1/2 weeks, but there is a head, body, arms, legs, and heart - so that's good! We have another in two weeks, and then our full diagnostic 6 weeks after that. That's my favorite one! That's when we found out Ethan was an Ethan! So, everything is healthy and well with baby two - Thank God. And that's good.
We still have to pull out all the staples and tack strips in the rooms upstairs before we can actually get in to our bedrooms. Who ever laid the carpet thought it was necessary to put triple rows of staples all the way across the floors both ways... why?! anyway.
To top it all off I had to get a job, because the numbers were higher than expected due to a homestead tax problem. Basically we're paying taxes and insurance on a $185,000 (I think?) house because that was the last it was assessed at before the previous people destroyed it. Unfortunately that can't be fixed until after January because of some BS government rule. So, that makes me a working woman to at least January... At least I didn't have to get a "real" job though. I just work 2.5-3 hours a night at Millbrook for Karl vacuuming classrooms.
It just stinks because I'm still in the first trimester, feeling like I can sleep all day long, and I can't seem to get any sleep. I'm with bubs, and the dogs (usually a bigger pain than Ethan) attempting to clean and unpack this horrid house during the day. Karl comes home, relief! and then we have dinner, I go to work, come home with just enough time to kiss my kid, watch a half hour of TV, and go to bed...
Ahhh life!
In other news, we had our 2nd ultrasound Monday. The first was pretty uneventful - minus hearing the heart beat for the first time. Which is very exciting and relieving. But this time we got to see the shape of what I've been calling baby two. There wasn't a whole lot else to see since we're only 10 1/2 weeks, but there is a head, body, arms, legs, and heart - so that's good! We have another in two weeks, and then our full diagnostic 6 weeks after that. That's my favorite one! That's when we found out Ethan was an Ethan! So, everything is healthy and well with baby two - Thank God. And that's good.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Worst thing about being pregnant again?
Not being able to sleep at night, to wake up hours after finally having fallen asleep to a cranky child (we're weaning down feedings to 4 a day) and not being able to take a nap.
Not being able to sleep at night, to wake up hours after finally having fallen asleep to a cranky child (we're weaning down feedings to 4 a day) and not being able to take a nap.
Oh.... how I took for granted those long afternoon naps the first time around!
Best thing about being pregnant again:
I've done this before. Nothing (so far) comes as a surprise. I feel educated for what's to come, and can relax in that. With Ethan every little thing during my pregnancy was the end of the world, and every pregnancy symptom was to be shouted from the roof-tops... I can actually enjoy my pregnancy fully this time - and not be as anxious.
Best thing about being pregnant again:
I've done this before. Nothing (so far) comes as a surprise. I feel educated for what's to come, and can relax in that. With Ethan every little thing during my pregnancy was the end of the world, and every pregnancy symptom was to be shouted from the roof-tops... I can actually enjoy my pregnancy fully this time - and not be as anxious.
I've just started receiving my daily assurance that I'm still pregnant...
Never in my life loved and hated something so much. (ok maybe that's an exaggeration)
Really though, I hate feeling this way - but I love knowing that means I'm still pregnant.
Also - God (as always) is so good! Karl is going to be given a SUBSTANTIAL raise, and made salary! hallelujah! I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off our financial situation. Isn't it awesome how just when you start doubting the Lord's plan - and you're not sure what's going to happen... it all works out!
Really though, I hate feeling this way - but I love knowing that means I'm still pregnant.
Also - God (as always) is so good! Karl is going to be given a SUBSTANTIAL raise, and made salary! hallelujah! I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off our financial situation. Isn't it awesome how just when you start doubting the Lord's plan - and you're not sure what's going to happen... it all works out!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
George is gone.
We found George, what we hope is, an awesome home. He's living with a single lady on 6 acres with a creek and a pond. She knows the breed really well - and is very alpha... so we're hoping that all is going to be okay. Actually she does whole pig roasts as her business and plans on taking him with her on the job... haha. So - I'm sad, but ultimately relieved.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
A different house...
Good news...
My hcg levels came back double and plus after 48 hours.
hcg is the 'pregnancy chemical' - it's what urine and blood tests detect. In early pregnancy the levels should double every 48 hours to indicate a normally progressing pregnancy. Since we couldn't see much on the ultrasound, the only other indicator of the viability (until a later ultrasound is preformed) is hcg levels.
My hcg levels came back double and plus after 48 hours.
hcg is the 'pregnancy chemical' - it's what urine and blood tests detect. In early pregnancy the levels should double every 48 hours to indicate a normally progressing pregnancy. Since we couldn't see much on the ultrasound, the only other indicator of the viability (until a later ultrasound is preformed) is hcg levels.
And thank God they came back well, and in normal range! So, we're not completely out of the woods until we see a heartbeat on the screen, but that is step one! So, we are very happy about that.
Second bit - our offer was accepted on our "dream house"...
We were going to move out to the country (aka Lowell - ha!) but the realtor and loan officer ended up being a little iffy, and beyond pushy. So we backed out. Even if we didn't, the house didn't appraise - so we couldn't buy it for the price they were pushing us in to any how. Thank God (again).
So, we were looking for another place and fell in love with a foreclosure on Poinsettia, a mere 2.7 miles from Karl's work. It's an incredible deal - we've settled on $45,000 less than it's assessment in 2004. Which is AWESOME! The next best part is that it's in this incredibly wooded area of a really nice neighborhood. Our lot has trees galore, and an in-ground liner pool.. exciting! Although the pool will probably be too expensive to run for a couple of years, it's there waiting! Another positive is that there is a bike/walking trail that is about 3 blocks from our house, along with a park! God is so awesome... He's brought us to this amazing house (amongst other things, obviously) and we're praying that everything goes okay. With the house and the pregnancy.
Some of my favorite features: The pool and back yard, a master bath!!!! and the cathedral ceilings!
Second bit - our offer was accepted on our "dream house"...
We were going to move out to the country (aka Lowell - ha!) but the realtor and loan officer ended up being a little iffy, and beyond pushy. So we backed out. Even if we didn't, the house didn't appraise - so we couldn't buy it for the price they were pushing us in to any how. Thank God (again).
So, we were looking for another place and fell in love with a foreclosure on Poinsettia, a mere 2.7 miles from Karl's work. It's an incredible deal - we've settled on $45,000 less than it's assessment in 2004. Which is AWESOME! The next best part is that it's in this incredibly wooded area of a really nice neighborhood. Our lot has trees galore, and an in-ground liner pool.. exciting! Although the pool will probably be too expensive to run for a couple of years, it's there waiting! Another positive is that there is a bike/walking trail that is about 3 blocks from our house, along with a park! God is so awesome... He's brought us to this amazing house (amongst other things, obviously) and we're praying that everything goes okay. With the house and the pregnancy.
Some of my favorite features: The pool and back yard, a master bath!!!! and the cathedral ceilings!
Monday, August 20, 2007
no baby?
The ultrasound did not turn out as we had hoped.
It is possible that I have a blighted ovum.
It is possible that I have a blighted ovum.
Which is basically a pregnancy with a fetal sac but with out a normally developing baby.
Which would mean I'll miscarry soon...
Or it is possible that we are not near as far along as we thought - and it was just too early to see the baby in the sac due to the fact that it's not developed enough yet.
I am having testing done over this week, and we'll know later for sure which it is.
But, my maternal instincts since the day I took the test was that something wasn't "quite right".. everyone told me that everything would be fine, but I just couldn't "shake it"... So, I suppose in an odd way I wasn't surprised when the midwife told me the news...
What ever God wants will happen, we know that - but please pray that we'll be okay either way.. baby or no baby...
Or it is possible that we are not near as far along as we thought - and it was just too early to see the baby in the sac due to the fact that it's not developed enough yet.
I am having testing done over this week, and we'll know later for sure which it is.
But, my maternal instincts since the day I took the test was that something wasn't "quite right".. everyone told me that everything would be fine, but I just couldn't "shake it"... So, I suppose in an odd way I wasn't surprised when the midwife told me the news...
What ever God wants will happen, we know that - but please pray that we'll be okay either way.. baby or no baby...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
So, I am really excited - I chose to have a Midwife with this baby! I meet her on Monday...
I called this afternoon, and they got me in for a confirmation, a consultation interview, appointment, and ULTRASOUND! Monday morning! How awesome is that!? I was going to have to wait over 2 weeks with my last pre-natal provider just for a confirmation, and wouldn't get a dating ultrasound for at least a month... So, I thought that was pretty cool.
In other news. George attacked Ceazer, drawing blood just under his eye. It was a really scary serious fight. I've never seen the baby that scared, and the dogs fighting that meanly. We're going to take them to a behavioral consultant on Friday...
I called this afternoon, and they got me in for a confirmation, a consultation interview, appointment, and ULTRASOUND! Monday morning! How awesome is that!? I was going to have to wait over 2 weeks with my last pre-natal provider just for a confirmation, and wouldn't get a dating ultrasound for at least a month... So, I thought that was pretty cool.
In other news. George attacked Ceazer, drawing blood just under his eye. It was a really scary serious fight. I've never seen the baby that scared, and the dogs fighting that meanly. We're going to take them to a behavioral consultant on Friday...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Round two!
So, I probably shouldn't be announcing this so early - but...
I can't hardly believe it - but it's true.
I am so excited!
I can't hardly believe it - but it's true.
I am so excited!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
So, it's really hard to find time to keep things updated!
A few larger things:
1. Karl and I are moving (most likely) to Greenville. We want to purchase a Church that's been converted in to a house out on 10 mile. It's 4,000 square feet, 1.5 Acres, with a sanctuary attached - that's currently set up as a professional recording studio. It requires a lot of work. But, it could be our 'forever' home, and I'm excited. Our LAST move! After what, 4 in 4 years?! Any way, we'll be renting this place out for a year - hoping to sell next year when the market breaks.
2. I turned 21 this past weekend. I spent it on a lake with my family. I actually was pretty sick most of the time flu and mastitis! Yeah! I was probably the only person who turned 21 sober... but that's okay. I still had a great and mostly relaxing time.
3. ETHAN IS CRAWLING! I know - shut up, right?! I can't believe it. He just started crawling today like it was no big deal and he'd been doing it forever... It's amazing. Just over 6 1/2 months old! My baby boy! He's mobile! and way way way too cute.
Oh... and Karl and I have been together 4 years today... Went fast!
So, I'm currently trying to repaint the whole house and front porch, replace the kitchen floor, and carpeting up stairs with Strep and a mobile, possibly teething (again) baby, and an over worked husband.... It's REAL fun around here...
A few larger things:
1. Karl and I are moving (most likely) to Greenville. We want to purchase a Church that's been converted in to a house out on 10 mile. It's 4,000 square feet, 1.5 Acres, with a sanctuary attached - that's currently set up as a professional recording studio. It requires a lot of work. But, it could be our 'forever' home, and I'm excited. Our LAST move! After what, 4 in 4 years?! Any way, we'll be renting this place out for a year - hoping to sell next year when the market breaks.
2. I turned 21 this past weekend. I spent it on a lake with my family. I actually was pretty sick most of the time flu and mastitis! Yeah! I was probably the only person who turned 21 sober... but that's okay. I still had a great and mostly relaxing time.
3. ETHAN IS CRAWLING! I know - shut up, right?! I can't believe it. He just started crawling today like it was no big deal and he'd been doing it forever... It's amazing. Just over 6 1/2 months old! My baby boy! He's mobile! and way way way too cute.
Oh... and Karl and I have been together 4 years today... Went fast!
So, I'm currently trying to repaint the whole house and front porch, replace the kitchen floor, and carpeting up stairs with Strep and a mobile, possibly teething (again) baby, and an over worked husband.... It's REAL fun around here...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
This is Karl.
this weekend was the first time im my life that if given the chance i would have killed a person.
if he just asked i would have given him my video camera, with out ethans birth tape in it.
i am so filled with anger, frustration, revenge, everything that isnt of God, all because of this ignorant, thieving, piece of scum that doesnt even disserve to live. people like him make me lose so much faith in the human race.
who is up for some Molotov cocktails.....anyone?!
if he just asked i would have given him my video camera, with out ethans birth tape in it.
i am so filled with anger, frustration, revenge, everything that isnt of God, all because of this ignorant, thieving, piece of scum that doesnt even disserve to live. people like him make me lose so much faith in the human race.
who is up for some Molotov cocktails.....anyone?!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
So - our house got broken in to this weekend.
We know exactly who did it - and we are pretty sure that we know where he lives, or at least where he's tried selling stuff before.
As he's not the smartest guy - he tried selling us stolen goods before, and our neighbors too.
In fact our neighbor walked with him to his "house" (if he even lives there) where he was trying to sell "brand new dell computers" for $20. Yeah, ok.
Any way - I was in the house when it happened, with the baby. The dogs were getting riled up, but I knew Karl would be pulling in any second with a pizza so I kept them locked in the bedroom with me, thinking it was him. Go, figure it wasn't. And Karl pulled in right as the neighbors saw him running out of hour house with a "VCR" and some other stuff. Well it turns out that he got Karl's XBox, all of his games, our video recorder, and most importantly the tape of Ethan's birth.
Needless to say, we're both pretty shakin' up about it, and I'm absolutely devastated to loose our birth tape. How dare he! And the sad part is that he'll probably just crush the tape and sell the video recorder for $5.
The police came by and took the report. Made two false arrests almost immediately. And if that wasn't enough the cop made Santos (the neighbor) and I get in his car and "just show" him where the guy brought Santos the other day. When we pull up a person open and shuts the door quickly and so the cop jumps out, makes an arrest of some guy who doesn't fit the description at all except that he's got a white shirt on and he's black - and exposes us to the whole group of people who live in that apartment. He makes me tell them the description I gave him, and makes Santos tell them all that he knows the guy who stole my stuff, and the guy who tried selling him the Dell lives there.
The police came by and took the report. Made two false arrests almost immediately. And if that wasn't enough the cop made Santos (the neighbor) and I get in his car and "just show" him where the guy brought Santos the other day. When we pull up a person open and shuts the door quickly and so the cop jumps out, makes an arrest of some guy who doesn't fit the description at all except that he's got a white shirt on and he's black - and exposes us to the whole group of people who live in that apartment. He makes me tell them the description I gave him, and makes Santos tell them all that he knows the guy who stole my stuff, and the guy who tried selling him the Dell lives there.
Awesome, so now all of those people know where we live, and that we both narked their brother/room-mate/friend/fellow-crime-commiter out to the police.
They got one finger print off of the door, but I'll bet you anything it's mine or Karl's - and justice wont be served via the police system. I just pray God has a hold on this situation. Because it's hard not to be vengeful and bitter. But mostly I'm just grieving the loss of that precious tape.
Any who.... it's been a bad weekend.
Any who.... it's been a bad weekend.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Our first 'firsts'
A lot of firsts, milestones, and awesome things happened/ing this month.
*Ethan can sit like a pro now
*He has cut his first tooth all the way through (hell on earth - literally).
*He is cutting his second tooth!
*He took about 25 seconds worth of sucks on a bottle! (Never did that before)
*He took a few sucks on a sippy cup!
*He's eating "chunky" foods now!
*He's learned that he can lunge, roll, scoot, and do all kinds of funny maneuvers to get around, and get what he wants. He's also popping his knees under, and rocking... crawling soon?! who knows!
*We went back to church for the first time since Ethan was born, and Ethan was left with a "baby sitter" (Baby Bay) for the first time! And 'Nana' watched him for the first time earlier this month. Lots of new things!
*Our backyard neighbors lit off about $3,000 worth of very-illegal, very awesome (huge!) fireworks on the 4th. We weren't going to go because the babe is too small - but they came to us this year!
*Ethan can sit like a pro now
*He has cut his first tooth all the way through (hell on earth - literally).
*He is cutting his second tooth!
*He took about 25 seconds worth of sucks on a bottle! (Never did that before)
*He took a few sucks on a sippy cup!
*He's eating "chunky" foods now!
*He's learned that he can lunge, roll, scoot, and do all kinds of funny maneuvers to get around, and get what he wants. He's also popping his knees under, and rocking... crawling soon?! who knows!
*We went back to church for the first time since Ethan was born, and Ethan was left with a "baby sitter" (Baby Bay) for the first time! And 'Nana' watched him for the first time earlier this month. Lots of new things!
*Our backyard neighbors lit off about $3,000 worth of very-illegal, very awesome (huge!) fireworks on the 4th. We weren't going to go because the babe is too small - but they came to us this year!
The next door neighbors say they keep getting bigger every year, so next year we'll have a get-together here.
*One of my favorite, and most exciting things is that I AM GETTING AN iMAC IN THE MAIL TOMORROW!!!! YYYYYEEEAAAAHHHH!
*oh, and we switched insurance providers to AAA and are saving like $100/mo! Yes!
* and we're taking a little vaca at my grandpa/uncle's lake property in two weeks Friday-Sunday! Whoo!
So, any who - God is good! Seriously. We've been obeying and listening to His calls and He's been blessing us beyond our imagination!
*One of my favorite, and most exciting things is that I AM GETTING AN iMAC IN THE MAIL TOMORROW!!!! YYYYYEEEAAAAHHHH!
*oh, and we switched insurance providers to AAA and are saving like $100/mo! Yes!
* and we're taking a little vaca at my grandpa/uncle's lake property in two weeks Friday-Sunday! Whoo!
So, any who - God is good! Seriously. We've been obeying and listening to His calls and He's been blessing us beyond our imagination!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
A new dog.

Also, Karl and I (well just me really) are still pretty bummed about Abner, but we thought the best way to move on, is to get another dog - not just for us, but for Bailey's sake. She's been running around whining, looking for Abner, and has been very needy the past week... and so we did. And I'll be perfectly honest when I say that Karl and I are both whole heartedly in love with our new "family member". BOTUS!!!
Later: So, we don't really like the name botus anymore, suggestions?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Abner's gone...

So, incase you're over - we don't have Abner any more...
He got parvo, and even though we brought him in right away, it was aggressive enough to eat away at his "guts". So, we did a blood test to see if there were any white blood cells to give us any glimpse of hope, and there weren't. The doctor said there was "no hope at all".... and it would be inhumane to keep him alive. So, we had to put him down... I don't think any one could understand unless you're a "dog person" or have had to put a pet down... but I'm pretty bummed.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day...
Growing bubs..
So, a lot has been going on - and not much time to write.
Ethan turned 4 months old, and had his 4 month doctor's visit. He was 16lbs 9oz. I couldn't believe it. He's a big guy! We found out that he's well "ahead of the troops" as Doc. Hoffman says, physically.

Ethan turned 4 months old, and had his 4 month doctor's visit. He was 16lbs 9oz. I couldn't believe it. He's a big guy! We found out that he's well "ahead of the troops" as Doc. Hoffman says, physically.
(Not fat wise, developmentally)
He's starting to roll well, chew on hands and feet endlessly, and even sit up really well in his boppy pillow... One bad thing we found out is that he has Eczema. It's all over his buns, and his cheeks from the wet/dry/wet cycle. But the cortisone cream is helping a lot. Also, something I found equally trivial and exciting is that Doc says to start introducing solids to Ethan. Now before the "mommy police" starts siren-ing, I know you're suppose to wait until 6 months. But, Doc says that with his appetite and his size it'll be hard for me to keep up with his nutritional needs, and says that it won't be detrimental to his system as long as I feed him the "right" foods. Here are some pictures of that fun business!

Monday, April 30, 2007
The boy
"The Boy" as his father has named him, is growing so fast ~ and likewise life is moving almost too fast as well... The Boy's newest fascination, joy, and entertainment is his glooorrrious FEET! And it's also just as entertaining to me to watch him attempt to wrangle them in to his mouth.
There's more to update, but there is only so much one-handed typing I can stand at a time...
There's more to update, but there is only so much one-handed typing I can stand at a time...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
dogs, dogs, dogs...

So, we were planning on getting a Bassett, but then found out that the woman was a back yard breeder of sorts, and decided not to go there. So, we find an "accidental breeding" at a farm and decide to buy a cocker/retriever pup from this farmer man. We get the pup home and he's acting a little funny, that night he starts squeezing his belly and moaning, the next morning he is face planting while trying to walk. So, I take him to the vet ASAP, and he died a few hours later :( I was pretty bummed about it.... So, we figure out that he died from being compacted with worms, and decide to tell the farmer to take his other dogs in before it happens to them too. He doesn't seem like he's interested in hearing what we have to say, even though it cost us $300 to have a pup die on us... and so I call animal control on him. The sheriff goes out there, and forces the guy to take his pups to the vet, give us our money back, and give us a new vetted dog for free.... works for me. The first puppy was named Guspatcho (via Karl) and now this new puppy is named Abner (also via Karl). We absolutely love him, he's the most well behaved puppy I've ever seen!
Weddings and our boy...

So! It's been a while!
I have had a really busy month - but I'll only touch on a few of the bigger things.
Karl and I had the pleasure of going to Collin and Ciara's wedding earlier this month - and it was absolutely beautiful. Not to mention we had a blast with Justin, Lance, KP, and Michelle - among others at the wedding.
Ethan turned 3 months old - and will soon be 4 months old! Where has the time gone?! He can grab toys, smile, laugh, roll one way, grab his feet, and all other kinds of fun baby things. I can't wait until his next Dr. Appt. to see how big he's gotten!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Medical bills
Karl and I just paid off our last $200 something dollars worth of Hospital bills! It feels so awesome! We paid over $6,000 in the last couple years - and now it's done!
My co-leader for small groups as Mars Hill quit due to over-book-age (made that word up, I think) and I'm a little bummed. Now I am looking for someone that would want to co-lead with me on Wednesday nights until June.... interested?
Also, I think that Meijer's release of organic products is one of the best things to happen to my pantry in basically forever!
My co-leader for small groups as Mars Hill quit due to over-book-age (made that word up, I think) and I'm a little bummed. Now I am looking for someone that would want to co-lead with me on Wednesday nights until June.... interested?
Also, I think that Meijer's release of organic products is one of the best things to happen to my pantry in basically forever!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Immunizations are rough! I couldn't take being in the room - I guess you can chalk me up to a wuss of a mamma. Karl was in there though. Despite the fact that I was across the Dr. Office, I could still hear Ethan's wails loud and clear. My heart sunk, and I felt sick to hear him scream so loudly....
I forgot to mention that our big-boy is almost 14lbs! 24 1/2 inches! and the 90th percentile! And he's 2 months old today.
On a completely random note, I love how adding a few pictures and a slight rearrangement of furniture can make a room so much more comfortable.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
So, I am going to have to start dying my hair....
Not because I want a new fabulous color...
But because if I don't - You all will get to see all of my gray hairs!!!
It's totally sick!
So, my husband goes bald in his 20's, and I go gray....
Not because I want a new fabulous color...
But because if I don't - You all will get to see all of my gray hairs!!!
It's totally sick!
So, my husband goes bald in his 20's, and I go gray....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sleepy boys.
Six weeks!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
So, I was just thinking how much has changed over the last couple years...
I think about how I use to be 3 1/2 years ago when Karl and I started dating, and I am just astonished at how much personal growth both he and I have gone through.
Even just the growth that we've accomplished since we were married is amazing - if I do say so myself. Last night we met with our mentor couple for dinner, who were our premarital counselors as well... and I think it was the first time that we didn't have any "issues" to work through. We could just sit down and celebrate all the amazing blessings that we've been given, and all that we've accomplished in our relationship, and otherwise. It feels good, to feel good. I love our relationship, I love our son (oh, so much!), I love seeing us as PARENTS (crazy!), I love seeing our friends grow, I love our nutso animals, I love our roommates, I love our small group (I never thought I'd say that)...
Things are good.
On the other hand though, I hate taxes!
(We owe from when Karl was self-employed...boo)
I think about how I use to be 3 1/2 years ago when Karl and I started dating, and I am just astonished at how much personal growth both he and I have gone through.
Even just the growth that we've accomplished since we were married is amazing - if I do say so myself. Last night we met with our mentor couple for dinner, who were our premarital counselors as well... and I think it was the first time that we didn't have any "issues" to work through. We could just sit down and celebrate all the amazing blessings that we've been given, and all that we've accomplished in our relationship, and otherwise. It feels good, to feel good. I love our relationship, I love our son (oh, so much!), I love seeing us as PARENTS (crazy!), I love seeing our friends grow, I love our nutso animals, I love our roommates, I love our small group (I never thought I'd say that)...
Things are good.
On the other hand though, I hate taxes!
(We owe from when Karl was self-employed...boo)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Body image issues...
So, for any of you ladies even thinking about the possibility of having a baby – and I’m sure you mom’s will agree…
Let me tell you, make sure that you have a very healthy body image and self confidence before you go getting yourself pregnant! Because trust me (unless you’re extremely lucky) – it will be destroyed, at least to some degree. And it can leave you feeling very frustrated. Especially when you only have 3 pounds to lose, and yet you still can not fit in to any of your pants because your hips spread so wide, you’re now 3 sizes larger than you were before. And you’re probably thinking, well that’s not a big deal, buy bigger pants. But, what are you suppose to do when your hips are huge and your legs are still a size 2-4?!?
I tried on about 40 pairs of jeans in 4 hours at the mall and found ONE, yes ONE that fit me well enough for me to buy. And they were on a discontinued stock shelf in the back of the store that the sales woman just happened to think of. Otherwise I would still be wearing all maternity all the time! And let’s not even get to the whole struggle of loose belly and stretch marks!!!!
But, on the other hand, look what you have to show for it…
Let me tell you, make sure that you have a very healthy body image and self confidence before you go getting yourself pregnant! Because trust me (unless you’re extremely lucky) – it will be destroyed, at least to some degree. And it can leave you feeling very frustrated. Especially when you only have 3 pounds to lose, and yet you still can not fit in to any of your pants because your hips spread so wide, you’re now 3 sizes larger than you were before. And you’re probably thinking, well that’s not a big deal, buy bigger pants. But, what are you suppose to do when your hips are huge and your legs are still a size 2-4?!?
I tried on about 40 pairs of jeans in 4 hours at the mall and found ONE, yes ONE that fit me well enough for me to buy. And they were on a discontinued stock shelf in the back of the store that the sales woman just happened to think of. Otherwise I would still be wearing all maternity all the time! And let’s not even get to the whole struggle of loose belly and stretch marks!!!!
But, on the other hand, look what you have to show for it…

Tuesday, February 6, 2007
While I had a minute to relax, I began to day dream a bit, mostly about the things that I hope to accomplish some time...
A few things that I'd like to do:
- Teach Ethan sign language, and possibly Spanish
- Research the advantages/disadvantages of public, Christian, and home-schooling
- In general, continue to educate myself as much as possible
- Learn how to, and eventually plant a kitchen garden out back, and a flower garden in front
- Fence in the back yard, and make our deck fabulous with patio furniture, lighting, fire-pit, grill, etc. I can't wait to play with Ethan outside late into warm summer night, especially to watch him discover fireflies, worms, toads, and other grossly boy things.
- Learn the stories of the Bible better, and become involved more deeply with God and my small group girls... How can I expect them to "live right", pray, and read the Bible when I am not doing it as often as I should either...
- Get my body back! I understand it takes time, but I have a goal to look like I did before I got pregnant, and perhaps even better! I want to be healthy, extraordinarily healthy.
- And in general just get around to doing all of those things that I want to do, but never seem to have the time/motivation to do it.
These are my ambitions.
Edit: Mastitis, Earache, Headcold, and incision problems anyone? OOOOhhhh, me me me!
A few things that I'd like to do:
- Teach Ethan sign language, and possibly Spanish
- Research the advantages/disadvantages of public, Christian, and home-schooling
- In general, continue to educate myself as much as possible
- Learn how to, and eventually plant a kitchen garden out back, and a flower garden in front
- Fence in the back yard, and make our deck fabulous with patio furniture, lighting, fire-pit, grill, etc. I can't wait to play with Ethan outside late into warm summer night, especially to watch him discover fireflies, worms, toads, and other grossly boy things.
- Learn the stories of the Bible better, and become involved more deeply with God and my small group girls... How can I expect them to "live right", pray, and read the Bible when I am not doing it as often as I should either...
- Get my body back! I understand it takes time, but I have a goal to look like I did before I got pregnant, and perhaps even better! I want to be healthy, extraordinarily healthy.
- And in general just get around to doing all of those things that I want to do, but never seem to have the time/motivation to do it.
These are my ambitions.
Edit: Mastitis, Earache, Headcold, and incision problems anyone? OOOOhhhh, me me me!
Saturday, February 3, 2007

I honestly can not believe that my baby is already 4 weeks old!
It equally kills and delights me to watch him grow so quickly.
He is starting to lift his head and smile like a pro...
Every day there is a little more of his personality shining through...
I also can't believe how little time I have now that Ethan is here.
I can barely get down stairs half the time!
Perhaps with a little more practice I'll manage to shower and eat before 2 O'Clock!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Karl and I officially have two new roommates as of tonight.
That's right - Ashelia and Michelle are now dwellers of the Malefyt basement.
We officially have a full house! Four adults, one child, two dogs, two cats, and a snake.
Should be fun!
That's right - Ashelia and Michelle are now dwellers of the Malefyt basement.
We officially have a full house! Four adults, one child, two dogs, two cats, and a snake.
Should be fun!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Getting on..
I am starting to feel a lot more "back-to-normal". As if such a thing is possible after making the transition into motherhood for the first time. But, physically speaking, I am able to navigate myself around the upstairs fairly well. Showering, using the bathroom, retrieving my own clothing, spit rags, snacks, and what-have-you's feels really good. I am not adventurous enough to start frequenting the stairs yet though, so the babe and I stay upstairs mainly. But, tomorrow I am giving Karl the day off of lunch duty, and I will be making my own meals all day long. I know, this all sounds ridiculous to those of you who haven't had labor and a c-section before, but being nearly recovered after a short 2 1/2 weeks (or long, how ever you look at it), is pretty good! As ridiculous as this sounds, I am mainly excited to start cleaning again! I am so sick of this cluttered-ness. I think a clean house and full cupboards could really do me good. I know, stupid, but so true.
To conclude my rant on motherhood and the like, I ran across this quote, and I liked it.
"A mother who gives herself completely to her infant meets herself in the dark and finds fulfillment. In the hours between midnight and dawn, she crosses the threshold of self-concern and discovers a self that has no limits." - Vimala McClure, The Tao of Motherhood.
To conclude my rant on motherhood and the like, I ran across this quote, and I liked it.
"A mother who gives herself completely to her infant meets herself in the dark and finds fulfillment. In the hours between midnight and dawn, she crosses the threshold of self-concern and discovers a self that has no limits." - Vimala McClure, The Tao of Motherhood.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
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