My gosh has life been seriously over booked these past weeks!!!
Indiana and Michigan baby showers are done - and they both were fabulous! We got nearly every single "big" item we registered for. Which is totally amazing!
Small groups is well in to the season, and things are going well there. The retreat this past weekend was great. I have to admit much better than I thought it was going to be. We get our curriculum tonight, I think it should be good. Speaking of the retreat... THANK YOU ZACHARY for being such an understanding and gracious dog sitter!
We finalized our loan, closed on our house, and finally moved in this week! Things started off rough since we had to move all in one day (Thanks Justin, Lance, and KP!) and we didn't have any gas for over 5 days. Yah that means no heat, hot water, or cooking. But we now have On Demand digital cable, Internet, and Gas! So we're doing really good. Also, the house is about 1/2 way out of boxes with is totally a plus. House warming party soon. I promise!
Karl got a new job! Thank the Lord!!!!! He is now the head custodian at Millbrook Christian School, making more money and working less hours than when he was photo assisting. Not to mention he is the boss! instead of being bossed around! I'm so proud of him. God is good!
Oh, and I'm 7 months prego now. Gosh TIME FLIES. Seriously. As far as that goes - we've got another ultra sound soon because we measured 5 weeks ahead last time and they're going to verify how far along we are and try and get a more accurate due date. It's a possibility that we might be back to our first due date which is November 20th (I don't know why they changed it in the first place). Which would mean I'm already 8 months pregnant, which it totally crazy! I feel it though - I am huge!!!!!
So, things are all well here - minus being crazy busy. Hope all is well!
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