Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fundraiser Update...

We have about 5K to go!
And we are so impressed with all of the support so far.
God is GOOD!
We've had about 40 hat orders so far!


We were blessed today by Karl's parents.
It is our 4th anniversary, and they took us out to dinner.
Our plan this year was to spend our anniversary trip in Europe adopting our daughter, but we instead spent it here in the states.
BUT hopefully soon!

I can't wait to kiss these cheeks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


We are praying that we are given the opportunity for a matching grant and possible no-interest loan to cover what ever remaining costs we have from The Sam & Ellie Adoption Fund through KCC and LifeSong for Orphans.
We are also praying that we can get the house in a better order to bring Olive home (still have to get her space set up, etc.).
We are also praying that we can sell our truck to cover some expenses we have (replacing my computer monitor which is on the fritz and most likely fixing the transmission in our family van) and to drastically cut the amount of funds that we still needed.
And last, we are praying that Olive's social worker will get her paperwork done quickly, that we will be approved quickly, and given a travel date for the end of November.

If all of this happens - it will have to be GOD!


I just had to say 'no' to adopting a newborn boy with DS because it's not a good time with Olive's adoption being soon.... ohhhh boy, did that hurt.

Friday, October 23, 2009


We have our I600-A approval!
We have it! We have it!

I am so stinking excited!
God, is SOOOOO good.
Sooooooo sooo good.

I don't know why I doubt so much.
Perhaps to protect myself from disappointment.
But, God is BIG and he is GOOD.
And I am so grateful to be in his favor!

The meeting went well

The meeting between our facilitator and Olive's social worker went well.
I was told "everything is back on track with Olive's paper work."
For this, I am glad!

We also got a call from LifeSong for Oprhans this week.
We applied for a $1,000 matching grant and a no-interest loan for the rest of our funds incase we're unable to raise them. (Better to be safe than sorry!)
They have preliminarily approved our application, and it is going for Official Approval now.
We should hear not this coming Thursday, but NEXT Thursday on what they've decided.
We're cutting it pretty close there if we're able to travel this year still - but I have faith in God and His timing.

The hat fundraiser is going well - and we are thankful!
We only have $5,187 to go, even with that last minute additional fee!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another mom owned business donates!

The owner of lil' outlaws, Jacklen, has decided to partner with us in our attempt to fundraise to bring Olive home.

She has created 2 scents specifically for Olive!

The two scents are Capri Olivo and Olive Leaves - and $2.00 from each product in those scents goes to Saving Olive!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sick babygirl..

Evelyn has had a upper respitory issue for about 10 days now. She has to take breathing treatments every 4 hours, which results in a VERY ticked off baby. Add that to 5 shots today, and you have one cranky child.

Kiddo Update...

Evelyn had her 18 month appointment today.
I can't believe how quickly time has been flying by.
I feel like an awful mother for not journaling more of my little one's lives this far.
Life has been far too busy.
I can't wait for Olive to be home so that way we can chill out on all of our commitments and all of this paperwork/etc. will be over.
I'm looking forward to, and hope that life will slow down a little bit then.

Evelyn weighted 20 pounds, and had to get 5 shots today.
She has had a respiratory issue for the last 10 days or so, and we had to get a script for breathing treatments.
This is the first time she's ever had to have any type of medicine, except for motrin/tylenol.
She was very freaked out and unhappy about her shots, and later, her breathing treatment.

She just started walking a couple weeks ago.
She walks like a little T-rex, toddling about with her arms crinkled up close to her body, and waddling back and forth.
She isn't quite steady on her feet yet, but she is walking 100% of the time now.
Doc Hoffman said she is slightly behind developmentally, but given her prematurity - he's going to give her some time to catch up.
Should she not be on target in 6 months, we'll start talking more.
We all agree that she was probably trying to put all of her brain power in mastering how to walk, and that language and receptive language should develop soon.
She does have a few words.
She'll say "I want", mine, ball, doggy, kitty, mama, and no.
We think she might have said bubbles, and pillow - but aren't sure.

She got her first hair cut about a month ago too.
Her hair was so fine and dry that it would get knotted up super easy, and just kind of float about her head.
We trimmed about 1.5 inches off the back, and it lays much nicer now.
We gave her little baby-doll bangs, and they look darling both forward and swept to the side.

She loves any and all babies/stuffed animals. Most of them are called "Bobbi".
She imitates me when caring for them, and rocks, kisses, and pats them.
It's quite cute.

She also has a love for hair clips, hair bands, and shoes.
She's all girl.
She wears little necklaces, and loves to change her clothes.

She has the most beautiful long lashes, and shows all her emotion through her eyes.
She likes to be cuddled like a baby, and still prefers a bottle over a cup.
She's a tiny little peanut, but has sass and attitude enough for us all.
She's going to give us a run for our money.

Ethan is 2 and 3/4ths.
You never thought you'd start describing age in quarters, until you've had kids.
Ethan is our little man. He talks a mile a minute, and loves to socialize.
His favorite movie is Bolt, PowerRangers, and a compilation of old cartoons.
He is boycotting food, and doesn't eat much unless it involves carbs or chocolate.
He likes all things boys - fighting, basketball, baseball, Spider-Man, Batman, and playing drums.
He is very much a daddy's boy, and loves to do anything his Bumpa, Daddy, or Daniel does.
He's in a bit of a 'chicken' phase right now, and gets anxious about new things, people, bugs, or anything potentially dangerous.
He's wearing 2T clothes, and size 8 shoes.
He is sleeping in his "big boy bear bed" and just starting to show interest in using the potty.
He's a great big brother, and really loves and protects his little sister.
He is a great talker, has many, many words - and understands concepts far beyond what I'd expect.
He is anxious to go to school - and really enjoys seeing his 'friends' any chance he can get.
He says "I love you" in the cutest way - I luff hew.
I love him.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We have about FIVE THOUSAND!!! dollars left to raise - and we are hoping to sell approximately 75 Hat and Scarf sets to raise $1,000 of that.
Here are some of the sets that I've made:

Jumping the hurdles

I am going to be getting the corrected paperwork, and updated photos that were requested in order for J. to be able to submit our dossier to the Adoption Officials, today.
We are praying that everything will go smoothly from here on out - and that we won't hit any more bumps on the road.

We did get word of an additional fee that's been added to our costs.
Nothing huge, but about 250 additional euros for travel costs to Olive's home town and back while were there.
But, we're completely trusting God for all of it - so 1 or 1000 additional euros, we are hanging on to our faith, it will be provided.
Talking with another mom who has adopted from Olive's orphanage, and has seen Olive, makes me even more hopeful to still travel this year.
Her daughter had many more health issues than previously thought by the orphanage and adoption staff once they got home. And the doctors wanted to operate on another mothers child for heart issues that simply wasn't warranted when they got home...
Given Olive's pale coloring and seemingly lethargic/distant look in all her pictures, I wouldn't be surprised at all if we were in the same boat, and could be facing a lot more health issues than we're being told.
It's not the orphanage staff, doctors, or facilitators fault - it's simply the lack of up-to-date and precise medical information and technology.
Either way, I'm praying she doesn't have to spend another freezing February in that cold crib.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A few more bumps

I got an email this morning that I'd prefered to not recieve.
We have a few more small bumps along the way.
And surprisingly I'm not freaking out at all - and have total peace that God is working, and all will be done in HIS timing!

We have some birth-date errors in our home study and biography (that we didn't notice yet! bummer) that have to be fixed, and need to re-send some pictures.
I'm praying that Char (our social worker) Will be able to fix those errors and reprint our homestudy VERY QUICKLY.
Once these things are fixed, we will be able to submit our dossier for approval from the adoption officials!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Roller Skating.

we took Ethan roller skating tonight after a tremendous amount of begging on his part - he spent about 5 minutes on the floor, and the rest of it saying he was too scared to fall down...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We were really hoping to travel this year.
And we've come so close to the wire that every little thing may literally make the difference between travel this year or next.
Olive's social worker had done some of her paperwork incorrectly.

Luckily our facilitator will be meeting with her this coming Monday to make sure those things are corrected, and that all the paperwork is done correctly.
We're praying that she will do all of Olive's paperwork correctly, and quickly.

We are also waiting on our dossier to be translated, and submitted for approval by the adoption officials.

The timing of this, along with Olive's social worker will determine if our daughter will come home before the Holidays - which we so obviously desperately want.

We are asking the Lord to have his hand in every detail - and petitioning that our daughter home before the year's end.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting attacked again...

We are under attack over here... again.
My computer (which my business depends on) is going wonky.
I need to at least replace the screen, which will cost roughly $100.
Our Van has decided not to run anymore... We've already spent $125 on what we thought would be a sure fix... didn't work. Not sure what's going to happen there.
So, we are selling our truck, to try and make ends meet, and put the extra money towards our adoption.
But we have to fix the windshield, wipers, tailpipe, and muffler to be able to sell it.
I am suffering from either a congestion-free flu, or mono...
I'm near positive it's mono -- which has put me greatly behind on my "to-do" list.
Which in turn is stressing me out more.
Unfortunately rest is hard to come by with a 2.5 year old and 1.5 year old during the day.
And also unfortunately, money is not easily come by either, considering we have already cleaned out our savings, all our extra money in the budget has gone to go to Olive, so we're living paycheck-to-paycheck right now.
Life if not fun right now.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It is there!

Our dossier is in the hands of our facilitator!
She is giving it to the translator to translate!
We are waiting to hear from Olive's social worker, to see how far along her paperwork is.
Once we know that, we will have a better estimate as to when we might travel.
Praise God!
Now only if we can come up with that 6k :)
I think we'll be selling our second car here soon, and be back to our 1-car life-style again...
All for our girl!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fun day failed...

We drove the kids all the way to Robinettes for a horse ride, after hyping it up all morning.
And the horses weren't there.
It was hardly drizzling and sunny most of the time we were there... but apparently it wasn't good enough weather for them.
We did end up giving Evelyn a fresh nectarine (after Ethan refused it)...
And she really enjoyed that.

We ended up salvaging our fun day by getting fresh doughnuts and taking Ethan to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Evelyn's first real hair cut...

She had a mullet and very long bangs.... no more!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our Paper Baby is on it's Way!

We sent over our dossier in it's completion today!
I am SOOOO excited.
We are having the accounting department at the bank look over the wire transfer to make sure that everything is going to go through okay for our translation fee tomorrow morning.
I am so happy to have all that paperwork over!