Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No more babysitting...

Someone has turned me in to the department of human services for baby-sitting out of my home.
How frustrating!
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise - but seriously. Who really cares!
And get this, it's $1,000 fine or 90 days in jail if I were to get caught still doing it.
There goes that!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fist steps!

No picture, but I couldn't believe it!
We've been waiting so long!
He took his first two on Monday and second two yesterday.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pictures from the Amway

30 weeks.

Weekend at the Amway

This weekend was amazing!
I'll admit it was more exhausting than I anticipated.
But it was so good.
I would definitely recommend the Family Life Today, Weekend to Remember conference to anyone.
We stayed in a Tower Sweet - and it was BEAUTIFUL.
In fact it was the same type of room we had our first two honey-moon nights in, which was cool.
We went on a date to Bentham's - the food was fabulous!
The conference speakers were AMAZING.
And the best part - we got to drop off our kiddo at Nana's for the weekend!
Let me tell you though - Sunday morning I was aching to see my boy so bad, we almost left the conference early.
I got a 3 minute long hug when we picked him up - and it was SO good!
We had an extended check out and didn't leave until this afternoon - and let me tell you I was ready to come home.
I wanted to relax and snuggle my boy!
Turns out he's pretty sick - so we spent the past few hours trying to get him to calm down... not fun.
I think the only time he's stopped crying tonight was when we took a bath.
Poor kiddo.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

looking forward...

Two things I'm really looking forward to:
One: 8 weeks 3 days until we meet our little girl.
We are scheduled April 11, 2008 at 11:30AM!
Two: 3 days until our retreat at the AMWAY!
2 full days just me and hubster!

Things I don't like: Food poisoning and being 30 weeks pregnant, makes for the worst night ever!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

trading up...

We traded our Kia (little SUV) for a Suburban this past week. It's really nice! We have MORE than enough room, Karl has a nice after-market stereo system, and the best part is 4 wheel drive. I am no longer terrified to drive in snow. But the real best part is that it didn't cost a thing! In fact we got $20 for gas money :)

I started watching two new kids this week. A 7 week old little boy named Myles 1/2 days, and a little boy named William who is Ethan's age (maybe 2 months older) some 1/2 days and some full days and evenings too. That's a total of 7 different kids! Mind you that I don't watch all of them all day every day... I'm a tired lady!
I have been going to bed at like 9:30. I know I'm lame. But you have to do what you've gotta do.