Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have had some really rough days consisting of little food, a lot of puke and sleep, and even some fun at the ER. apparently I have an ovarian cyst that had me doubled over for a day, and have been on couch duty for the past few days. I'm an emotional wreck.

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

First Appointment

So, first doctors appointment today, and apparently they had a meeting during my visit. So I was stuck with an LPN and she admitted that she didn't know what she was doing very well with the doppler, and we weren't able to hear the babie's heart beat. We were totally bummed. But, next week hopefully! And hopefully an ulstra sound shortly after... I'm so anxious to see and hear the little guy/girl.

Other than that, the house is working out well. We hope to have people over Thursday assuming that I'm not as sick as I was last Thursday. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Not so glorious

So, let me tell you that being pregnant is not half as glorious and beautiful than I had hoped it to be. To be honest, I haven't felt gross-er (is that even a word?) and more uncomfortable than the past few days in a long time. Lets just say everything smells, and I haven't eaten this many crackers in my life!